The New Orleans Shakespeare Festival at Tulane 2025 Season - New Orleans, LA EPA (01.29.25) | Playbill


The New Orleans Shakespeare Festival at Tulane 2025 Season - New Orleans, LA EPA (01.29.25)

CATEGORY: Performer

Shakespeare Festival at Tulane | New Orleans, LA

Job Details


Notice: Audition Call Type: EPA


Wednesday, January 29, 2025

11:00 AM - 5:00 PM (C)


Please email [email protected] with your preferred audition time to book an appointment.



$361 weekly minimum (SPT 2)


Equity actors for roles in The New Orleans Shakespeare Festival at Tulane's 2025 Season (see breakdown).

We encourage actors of all ages, races, ethnicities, abilities, and gender identities to audition.


Please prepare a one-minute classical monologue, or 14 lines of verse from a Shakespeare comedy. Please bring your headshot and resume stapled together.


Tulane's Lupin Theatre

150 Dixon Hall Annex

New Orleans, LA 70118


Imaginary Invalid Director: Anne-Liese Juge Fox

Imaginary Invalid Adapted and Translated by Ryder Thornton


A Midsummer Night's Dream Director: Graham Burk


The Imaginary Invalid

Rehearsal Dates: May 13 - June 5, 2025

(Rehearses weekday evenings 6-10pm, Saturday & Sunday 12-5pm)

Performance Dates: June 6 - 22, 2025 (June 6, 7, 12, 13, 14, 19, 20, 21 at 7:30pm and June 8, 15, 22 at 1:30pm).

Midsummer Night's Dream

Rehearsal Dates: June 17– July 10, 2025

(Rehearses weekday evenings 6-10pm, Saturday & Sunday 12-5pm)

Performance Dates: July 11 - July 27, 2025 (July 11, 12, 17, 18, 19, 24, 25, 26 at 7:30pm, July 13, 20, 27 at 1:30pm).


EPA Procedures are in effect for this audition.

An Equity Monitor will not be provided. The producer will run all aspects of this audition.

Equity’s contracts prohibit discrimination. Equity is committed to diversity and encourages all its employers to engage in a policy of equal employment opportunity designed to promote a positive model of inclusion. As such, Equity encourages performers of all ethnicities, gender identities, and ages, as well as performers with disabilities, to attend every audition.

Always bring your Equity Membership card to auditions.





Argan: Head of the household and a wealthy, self-centered hypochondriac obsessed with his health. Most of his money goes to treating his imaginary ailments. He wants to marry his daughter to a doctor to save money. He is naïve, gullible, controlling, but ultimately well-meaning.

Toinette: Argan’s servant and Angélique’s confidante. She is resourceful, spirited, and cunning and uses her wits to protect the family.

Béline: Argan’s second wife and stepmother to both of Argan’s daughters. She wants to put Angélique and Louison into a nunnery so she can inherit Argan’s wealth when he dies.

Angélique: Argan’s elder daughter, an innocent romantic in love with Cléante. Despite her devotion to her father, she is independent and strong-willed.

Louison: Argan’s youngest daughter and sister to Angélique. She is playful and somewhat mischievous.

Dr. Diafoirus: Thomas Diafoirus’s father and a doctor. He is pompous with ridiculous loyalty to outdated medical theories and practices.

Thomas Diafoirus: Dr. Diafoirus’ son, Dr. Purgon’s nephew and a young doctor himself that Argan has selected to marry his daughter, Angélique. He is socially awkward, pendantic, extremely formal and utterly charmless.

Cléante: Angélique’s suitor, an earnest young man determined to win Angélique’s love.

Béralde: Argan’s sensible brother. He is wise, logical, and imaginative in his attempts to help bring his brother to his senses.

Dr. Purgon: Argan's favorite physician and a genuine quack. He profits greatly from Argan’s dependence on him.

Monsieur Florid: Argan’s apothecary in league with Dr. Purgon. He is very proud of his enema solutions and profits from Argan’s hypochondria.

Monsieur Bonnefoi: A notary in cahoots with Béline to redirect Argan’s inheritance to Béline.



Hermia: Fiery, headstrong romantic. Mighty and absolutely following her heart.

Lysander: Headstrong romantic. Has "true love conquers all” energy. Romantic to a fault.

Demetrius: Persistent and proud. Starts as a pain, but love softens his edges (eventually).

Helena: Loyal, lovesick, and a bit of a hot mess. Funny, self-deprecating, and full of heart.

Oberon: The Fairy King. Commanding, mischievous, and a master schemer (but not infallible).

Titania: The Fairy Queen. Elegant, strong, and doesn’t back down from anyone—especially Oberon.

Puck: Chaotic mischief-maker. Quick, witty, and always stirring up magical mayhem.

Theseus: The no-nonsense Duke of Athens. Regal, grounded, and occasionally fun (when he’s not enforcing laws).

Hippolyta: Queen with quiet power. Sharp, poised, and not afraid to call Theseus out when needed.

Egeus: Over-dramatic parent insisting their way is the only way.

Philostrate: Event planner extraordinaire. Polished, efficient, and totally over it.

The Mechanicals: A lovable group of actors trying their best.

Bottom: Unstoppable ham with delusions of grandeur.

Quince: Overworked director.

Flute: Reluctant romantic lead.

Snout: Practical, plays a wall.

Snug: Nervous but lovable.

Starveling: Deadpan comic.


SPT $361 weekly minimum (SPT 2)




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