When a violent storm sinks their whaling ship off the coast of New Bedford, Mass., the four survivors face a reckoning: how far will they go to stay alive? And can they live with the consequences? With music and lyrics from The Avett Brothers, whose 2004 “Mignonette” was inspired by an 1884 shipwreck and the struggle of four men to survive, Swept Away is an electrifying, soul-stirring new musical exploring how facing tragedy can open the door to forgiveness… if only we’ll let it.
Week Ending | Week Number | This Week Gross Potential Gross | Diff $ | Avg Ticket Top Ticket | Seats Sold Seats in Theatre | Perfs Previews | % Cap This Week | Diff % cap |
Dec 29, 2024 | 32 | $717,623.82 | $217,816.40 | $89.04 $248.00 | 8,060 1,018 | 8 0 | 98.97% | 11.54% |
Dec 22, 2024 | 31 | $499,807.42 | -$157,692.08 | $70.20 $248.00 | 7,120 1,018 | 8 0 | 87.43% | -11.98% |
Dec 15, 2024 | 30 | $657,499.50 | $117,193.70 | $81.21 $248.00 | 8,096 1,018 | 8 0 | 99.41% | 18.15% |
Dec 8, 2024 | 29 | $540,305.80 | $128,123.50 | $81.64 $248.00 | 6,618 1,018 | 8 0 | 81.26% | 20.37% |
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