The Entertainment Community Fund has revealed the recipients of the 2022 Alex Dubé Scholarships. The program awards five $10,000 scholarships to dancers transitioning into the next steps of their careers, with the money aimed at supporting education for those next steps. The scholarships are available to dancers enrolled in accredited graduate degree programs.
This year's recipients are David Gonsier, currently attending Brooklyn Law School; Himerria Wortham, pursuing an MA in visual anthropology, media, and documentary at University of Münster-WWU Weiterbildu; Matthew Walsh Bade, studying social work at Pacific University; Theodore Watler, currently attending Yale Law School; and Yayoi Kambara, working towards an MFA at University of the Arts.
The scholarships are named for Alex J. Dubé, who finished his 30-year career as president of Career Transition for Dancers, an organization focused on the well-being of dancers throughout every stage of life.
For more information on The Fund's Alex Dubé Scholarships, visit