Broadway alum and three-time Emmy nominee Lili Taylor stars in a revival of Wallace Shawn’s The Fever at the Minetta Lane Theatre Off-Broadway, starting performances October 8. The Audible Theater production is set for a limited run through October 24, reopening the venue 18 months after the coronavirus shutdown.
The play follows a privileged American traveler visiting a war-torn country who questions her conscience as she is faced with the disparity between her rarified world and the real world.

Co-produced with The New Group and directed by its founding artistic director, Scott Elliott, this production marks 30 years since Shawn won the Obie Award for Best New American Play for The Fever’s Off-Broadway debut in 1991. The Fever will also be recorded as an Audible Original and released to a global audience following its run.
“As we reopen our theatres, I can't think of any work, more than The Fever, that captures what only theatre can: an absolute intimacy and confessional relationship between performer and audience,” said Elliott in a previous statement. “When we last presented [it] during the 2008 financial crisis, I knew I needed to explore it every decade or so. Our current crisis, or should I say nightmare, along with our renewed attempts to face the inequalities built into our lives, should allow us to see the speaker's journey in fresh ways.”
The Fever’s creative team includes scenic designer Arnulfo Maldonado, costume designer Qween Jean, lighting designer Cha See, and sound designer Justin Ellington. Valerie A. Peterson is the production stage manager with technical supervision by Hudson Theatrical Associates and general management by Andy Jones and Jonathan Whitton of Baseline Theatrical.
Audible requires proof of COVID-19 vaccinations for all employees and audiences at the theatre.