Premiering on Broadway in 2008, Glory Days tells the story of four high school friends who reunite one year after graduation to enact revenge on their former bullies. Though the work has since become a cult favorite, the Broadway bow famously closed on opening night, playing just 17 previews and one single performance.
Featuring music direction by Lily Ling, the benefit concert underwrote Keen Company's 24th season, including Kia Corthron’s Fish, a new musical by Adam Gwon, resources for mid-career writers, and free mentorship for students in all five boroughs of NYC.
The new musical is celebrating the box office opening at the Nederlander with an offer for fans to get $20 tickets, harkening back to Rent's first-of-its-kind ticket lottery.
The new trailer showcases the scale of the production design, as well as a first listen to the power ballad "Waiting on a Wish," one of the new original songs by Pasek and Paul.
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