Tess Primack, Reed Luplau, Jennifer Zetlan, Lori Wilner, Eric Bourne, Jessica Vosk, Alix Korey, George Psomas, Jeffrey Schecter, Adam Grupper, Jacob Guzman, Marla Phelan and Jesse Kvarsky in Fiddler on the Roof
Jeffrey Schecter (Schecky) and Barrett Martin clown around with the headsets.
Robyn Hurder, Chris Sullivan, Judy Kaye, Stephanie Martignetti and Jeffrey Schecter
Judy Kaye and Jeffrey Schecter
Jeffrey Schecter
Jeffrey Schecter
Jeffrey Schecter and Judy Kaye
Michael McGrath and Cast Members
Before you know it, time for the next show! I do my best Billy Crystal impression and set out for Number Two. Show number two, not the other Number Two!
The couch is mine!! Oh, and notice even when I am sleeping, I am advertising. "Everyone loves a Jewish boy!" Do they? Everyone? That's a lot of people.
What's one more piece of matzoh?
This Saturday was extra special. It was Passover, so I asked Roundabout if we could hold a Seder between shows. Not only did they okay it, but they took care of everything. Stuart Zagnit holds a beautiful Seder plate that he brought from home.
This is my ghetto "get up!" I can't help but smile. Even in times off terrible tragedy, the Jews of Warsaw told jokes, danced and sang. It's what i do now and probably would have done back then. Type casting?!
No show would be a true Broadway experience if I didn't flirt and entertain the ladies. I often break out into spontaneous dance until I have at least one of them laughing.
Daniel Radcliffe may be famous for playing Harry Potter and now starring in How to Succeed, but maybe when I leave the show he can replace me as Schlomo the tap dancing rabbi.
I call this picture "Mini Tevye!" I have the honor of performing a great scene at the top of the show and this is my look. I am a peasant in great need of laughter. Donna Murphy, as the head of a Yiddish theatre group, helps me out.
Ready for the top of the show! I love this costume. Fortunately, I love green and don't mind looking like a leprechaun.
Chapstick is a must! It gets super dry backstage!
Unfortunately, I have to shave everyday. Fortunately, I gave myself two pictures I enjoy seeing everyday. On the left is Melissa at our wedding, and above my head is my grandmother Helen. She was an incredible woman, and so funny. Miss you granny!
Believe it or not, some guys actually want to know what's happening to their wives and the little baby in the womb. My wife is very impressed that I'm educating myself and reading something other than a script or the Sports Illustrated swimsuit edition.
A good breakfast before a two-show day is essential for me, or i am just cranky. I love eggs. They're great for eating and obviously fun to play with, too.
Jeffrey Schecter
Front row: Lindsay Dievert, Jane Shearin, Hannah Marcum, Rebecca Filatio, Charlotte Cartelli. 2nd row: Alix Korey, Mitch Greenberg, Lori Wilner, Ann Marie Carlson, Annie Fowler, Adam Grupper, George Psomas, Taegan Smith, Sarah Parker, Chelsea Fowler and Jeffrey Schecter
Jeffrey Schecter and Itzhak Perlman
When I get up in the morning I have some big hair and puffy eyes. Needless to say I reached for my cat Chloe and my shades to protect the world from the truth. I am not always adorable and extremely handsome!
Adam Kantor, Alexandra Silber, Lori Wilner, Jacob Guzman, Adam Grupper, Reed Luplau, Jeffrey Schecter, Mitch Greenberg and Michael Bernardi in Fiddler on the Roof
Joan Marcus
Michael McGrath and Cast Members
Michael McGrath and Cast Members
Jeffrey Schecter (Schecky) and Barrett Martin clown around with the headsets.
Before you know it, time for the next show! I do my best Billy Crystal impression and set out for Number Two. Show number two, not the other Number Two!
The couch is mine!! Oh, and notice even when I am sleeping, I am advertising. "Everyone loves a Jewish boy!" Do they? Everyone? That's a lot of people.
What's one more piece of matzoh?
This Saturday was extra special. It was Passover, so I asked Roundabout if we could hold a Seder between shows. Not only did they okay it, but they took care of everything. Stuart Zagnit holds a beautiful Seder plate that he brought from home.
This is my ghetto "get up!" I can't help but smile. Even in times off terrible tragedy, the Jews of Warsaw told jokes, danced and sang. It's what i do now and probably would have done back then. Type casting?!
No show would be a true Broadway experience if I didn't flirt and entertain the ladies. I often break out into spontaneous dance until I have at least one of them laughing.
Daniel Radcliffe may be famous for playing Harry Potter and now starring in How to Succeed, but maybe when I leave the show he can replace me as Schlomo the tap dancing rabbi.
I call this picture "Mini Tevye!" I have the honor of performing a great scene at the top of the show and this is my look. I am a peasant in great need of laughter. Donna Murphy, as the head of a Yiddish theatre group, helps me out.
Ready for the top of the show! I love this costume. Fortunately, I love green and don't mind looking like a leprechaun.
Someone thought it would be funny to put my hat as high up as possible. If I don't stand on a chair, I can't get my hat. Funny!
Chapstick is a must! It gets super dry backstage!
Unfortunately, I have to shave everyday. Fortunately, I gave myself two pictures I enjoy seeing everyday. On the left is Melissa at our wedding, and above my head is my grandmother Helen. She was an incredible woman, and so funny. Miss you granny!
Believe it or not, some guys actually want to know what's happening to their wives and the little baby in the womb. My wife is very impressed that I'm educating myself and reading something other than a script or the Sports Illustrated swimsuit edition.
A good breakfast before a two-show day is essential for me, or i am just cranky. I love eggs. They're great for eating and obviously fun to play with, too.
When I get up in the morning I have some big hair and puffy eyes. Needless to say I reached for my cat Chloe and my shades to protect the world from the truth. I am not always adorable and extremely handsome!
Before you know it, time for the next show! I do my best Billy Crystal impression and set out for Number Two. Show number two, not the other Number Two!
The couch is mine!! Oh, and notice even when I am sleeping, I am advertising. "Everyone loves a Jewish boy!" Do they? Everyone? That's a lot of people.
What's one more piece of matzoh?
This Saturday was extra special. It was Passover, so I asked Roundabout if we could hold a Seder between shows. Not only did they okay it, but they took care of everything. Stuart Zagnit holds a beautiful Seder plate that he brought from home.
This is my ghetto "get up!" I can't help but smile. Even in times off terrible tragedy, the Jews of Warsaw told jokes, danced and sang. It's what i do now and probably would have done back then. Type casting?!
No show would be a true Broadway experience if I didn't flirt and entertain the ladies. I often break out into spontaneous dance until I have at least one of them laughing.
Daniel Radcliffe may be famous for playing Harry Potter and now starring in How to Succeed, but maybe when I leave the show he can replace me as Schlomo the tap dancing rabbi.
I call this picture "Mini Tevye!" I have the honor of performing a great scene at the top of the show and this is my look. I am a peasant in great need of laughter. Donna Murphy, as the head of a Yiddish theatre group, helps me out.
Ready for the top of the show! I love this costume. Fortunately, I love green and don't mind looking like a leprechaun.
Someone thought it would be funny to put my hat as high up as possible. If I don't stand on a chair, I can't get my hat. Funny!
Chapstick is a must! It gets super dry backstage!
Unfortunately, I have to shave everyday. Fortunately, I gave myself two pictures I enjoy seeing everyday. On the left is Melissa at our wedding, and above my head is my grandmother Helen. She was an incredible woman, and so funny. Miss you granny!
Believe it or not, some guys actually want to know what's happening to their wives and the little baby in the womb. My wife is very impressed that I'm educating myself and reading something other than a script or the Sports Illustrated swimsuit edition.
A good breakfast before a two-show day is essential for me, or i am just cranky. I love eggs. They're great for eating and obviously fun to play with, too.
When I get up in the morning I have some big hair and puffy eyes. Needless to say I reached for my cat Chloe and my shades to protect the world from the truth. I am not always adorable and extremely handsome!
Someone thought it would be funny to put my hat as high up as possible. If I don't stand on a chair, I can't get my hat. Funny!
Jeremy Davis
Jeffrey Schecter (center) and cast
Jeffrey Schecter (center) and cast
Jeffrey Schecter
The Wedge
Front row: Lindsay Dievert, Jane Shearin, Hannah Marcum, Rebecca Filatio, Charlotte Cartelli. 2nd row: Alix Korey, Mitch Greenberg, Lori Wilner, Ann Marie Carlson, Annie Fowler, Adam Grupper, George Psomas, Taegan Smith, Sarah Parker, Chelsea Fowler and Jeffrey Schecter
Jeffrey Schecter and Itzhak Perlman
Jeffrey Schecter (center) and cast
Jeffrey Schecter
The Wedge
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