Midnight, just got home from Tuesday
Joel Marsh Garland
Oral hygiene is very essential, even at 4:13 in the morning.
Joel Marsh Garland
Cab to 96th street where a courtesy van will ferry cast and crew to our location. Let
Joel Marsh Garland
A little slice of heaven. Actually it
Joel Marsh Garland
Dee getting my hairs in order. Big shiny make up trailer today! 5:37 am
Joel Marsh Garland
Eggs, sausage, seltzer and cereal.
Joel Marsh Garland
Still in costume, just finished shooting, no time for breakfast, they shot me out quickly this morning so I can make the matinee. 9:32 am
Joel Marsh Garland
Poor breakfast, you had so much promise but went uneaten. Must find fuel. 9:34 am
Joel Marsh Garland
Good morning Matt McGorry. It is a beautiful day to work. 9:48 am
Joel Marsh Garland
Catching up with "Orange Is the New Black" castmates Kimiko, Laura, Lolita, Jessica and Diane before heading back to the city for the matinee! 10:01 AM
Joel Marsh Garland
Kimiko and I take the courtesy van into the city to get some lunch. 10:39 am
Joel Marsh Garland
We have returned to beautiful 96th street. 10:53 am
Joel Marsh Garland
Stretch it out before taking the subway. 10:54 am
Joel Marsh Garland
My kombucha runneth over but Kimiko and I finally got some breakfast. 11:34 am
Joel Marsh Garland
Little fella, drove a cultivator. Outside the Longacre looking at the posters. Hi, Chris! 12:22 pm
Joel Marsh Garland
Reagan, the doorman, best in the business, makes wire art while he works. 12:25 pm
Joel Marsh Garland
Signing in so stage management knows I am here. 12:26 pm
Joel Marsh Garland
Robert! Robert Guy is the head of wardrobe. He keeps the department humming along. He is here early every day and leaves late. Long hours for Robert. 12:27pm
Joel Marsh Garland
Michael Louis is one of our dressers, he is getting everything steamed and ready for the matinee. 12:30pm
Joel Marsh Garland
Alex Morf (he plays Curly) and Kimiko discuss ukulele etiquette. 12:44pm
Joel Marsh Garland
Musical interlude before Kimiko gets kicked out. We have a show to put on! I have to go to fight call. 1:03pm
Joel Marsh Garland
Fight call is over. Alex, James McMenamin and Jim Ortlieb have a coffee in the green room before the matinee. 1:19pm
Joel Marsh Garland
Blue is our understudy dog, he is a sweetheart. He stays prepared in case he has to go on. 1:20pm
Joel Marsh Garland
Violet plays Candy
Joel Marsh Garland
Mr. Norton takes a breath before half hour. He has had his first banana. Two show day means two bananas. 1:25pm
Joel Marsh Garland
Make-up! 1:49pm
Joel Marsh Garland
Boots. They put the character
Joel Marsh Garland
Clean teeth, ready to go. Curtain is up. Time for the first show! 2:18pm
Joel Marsh Garland
Intermission! Half time silliness with Alex and Jim. We have a lot of Jims on this show. This one is a Parrack. 3:17pm
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A little make up touch up for Chris O
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First show is over, saying a quick hello to our beautiful audience! 4:26pm
Joel Marsh Garland
They are out in droves today. 4:26pm
Joel Marsh Garland
Stopped in next door to Hurley
Joel Marsh Garland
Running past the stage door on my way to pizza. Reagan has finished his wire sculpture. Cowboy! 4:55pm
Joel Marsh Garland
Pizza party in the balcony. Jim Ortlieb making pizza look easy. 5:01pm
Joel Marsh Garland
Back in the basement understudy dogs need naps too. Best to get your rest in on a two show day. Many of us nap during the break. Sleep well, Blue. 5:27pm
Joel Marsh Garland
Ray has just started his shift at the door and is catching up with David (he is one of the ushers). Note the recently ingested caffeinated beverage. Long days need coffee! 5:31pm
Joel Marsh Garland
Making music in the dressing room during the show break. I play some uke. 6:15pm
Joel Marsh Garland
James McMenamin plays some guitar. 6:15pm
Joel Marsh Garland
No time for any more music. Erica Lutz and I have lines to run. 6:27pm
Joel Marsh Garland
Erica is understudying Leighton, I am understudying Chris (along with playing Carlson). We run lines when we have free time. Keeping it fresh in case we have to go on in those roles. The chicken is just inspirational. 7:02pm
Joel Marsh Garland
A quick run down stairs for a 2nd sign in.
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Michael Dempsey (he understudies four parts in the show) and David Page (he is James Franco
Joel Marsh Garland
More stretching. Must stay limber. 7:18pm
Joel Marsh Garland
And that is Mr. Norton
Joel Marsh Garland
Leighton checks out Alex
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Katie Pope (our assistant company manager) checking in on things in the green room. Seems like things are alright with Michael and Ric. 7:32pm
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Howie is keeping the stage management office running smoothly. 25 minutes till curtain. 7:35pm
Joel Marsh Garland
Ron Cephas Jones getting dressed for our 2nd show. Jim Ortlieb chaperones. 10 minutes people! 7:50pm
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Clean teeth. Fresh breath. It is important to consider your fellow actors. 7:54pm
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What can we say? Brush your teeth. 7:59pm
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Ready for round two. 8:21pm
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First half is behind us. Parrack doing a little business during intermission. 9:27pm
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Ron grabs some fresh air in the alleyway as intermission is wrapping up. Places people, places. 9:33pm
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Sarah Grady keeps it light. Dance break in the green room. Our stage managers are the best. 9:45pm
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JP doing a little research as the 2nd half is in full swing. 9:47pm
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Show is done and Leighton is ready to de-wig for the night. 10:24pm
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Good night Ron. 10:35pm
Joel Marsh Garland
James, Chris, and I talk about the afternoon pizza party and say good night. 10:36pm
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Good night goldfish. 10:37pm
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Good night Tony Orlando. What a sweet guy. Tony came backstage to wish us all well after the show. 10:49pm
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Goodnight Ray. 10:53pm
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Goodnight Of Mice and Men audience. 10:56pm
Joel Marsh Garland
The subway is faster and more economical then a cab. Time to go home. 11:06pm
Joel Marsh Garland
And that is that. Brush the teeth and head to bed. Two show day (plus a bit of additional work). 11:54pm
Joel Marsh Garland
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