Rise and shine!
Allison Case
First thing's first- say good morning to my girlfriend, Ashley, and dachshund, Bodhi!
Allison Case
Put on some tunes to start the morning right :)
Allison Case
Sending Ashley off to work! Bye bye!
Allison Case
Coffee. Oatmeal. "House Hunters International." Breakfast of champions.
Allison Case
Meditation time: sometimes with music, sometimes with a guided track. I like to do this to start each day with calming energy :)
Allison Case
Setting the mood... got this candle as a gift this past Christmas. Each month has a different wish!
Allison Case
And now steaming my face off haha. It helps my voice when the weather is being a weirdo.
Allison Case
As we do...
Allison Case
Taking Bodhi for a walk on the Brooklyn waterfront. So pretty!
Allison Case
Lunch and snacks ready. Leftover baked ziti my mom made when she was visiting. Thanks mom!
Allison Case
He knows it's go time. Wish I could bring him with me, but his paws can't reach the Hardbody.
Allison Case
"I work at the UPS... " I pass this every day on my way to the subway- very fitting!
Allison Case
A preview of what I get on my way home after the show tonight!
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Playing candy crush on the subway to work. So is everyone else.
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A nice lady took this for me!
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And here we are!
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knock knock
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Our dressing room- Keala Settle stretching before the first show...
Allison Case
And playing Candy Crush. (told you). She is on level 150 or something ridiculous!!!
Allison Case
Before the first show, doing an interview about our real-life characters that we portray! Go Kelli Mangrum!
Allison Case
Now Keala's turn! Miss Norma Valverde!
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Kathleen Elizabeth Monteleone is ready y'all!
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Keala, Kathleen and I call our dressing room the dorm room. I love these joyful girls!
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Intermission and the amazing Josh is giving me a ponytail!
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Jay Armstrong Johnson and I in our special jackets (and lamb slippers) during the second act. So lucky to sing alongside him every night!!
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The house between shows
Allison Case
Some of the real contestants signed this poster backstage! The picture was taken of them on opening night. So special!
Allison Case
Some of the guys that make the magic and the music happen hanging out between shows
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Allison Case
Getting ready to film our HARLEM SHAKE! yeehaw!
Allison Case
And recording a Hardbody Rap...
Allison Case
In the show, 10 contestants stand around for days to win a truck to change and better their lives. It inspires us all to think about what WE would stand for... and I challenge you to answer too!! WHAT DO YOU STAND FOR?
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Allison Case
Allison Case
Allison Case
Allison Case
Allison Case
Allison Case
Allison Case
Allison Case
Allison Case
Allison Case
Allison Case
Allison Case
Allison Case
Allison Case
Allison Case
Allison Case
Allison Case
Allison Case
Allison Case
.....and then we move to "awkward prom picture" with the amazing David Larsen after filming our Harlem Shake :)
Allison Case
Hey Hunter!
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Keith getting ready for show #2! I love hearing his music in the halls.
Allison Case
Snuggles in the hall!
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More snuggles!
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Don and Janis Curtis! They've got that little somethin' somethin' :)
Allison Case
After the second show...saying goodbye! Goodnight, Keith and Hunter!
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Goodnight Scott!
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Our lovely doorman, Robert... goodnight!
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Some awesome fans at the stage door. Thanks for coming and supporting!!!
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More amazing fans. We love you all!
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Ladies and gents.... Keala Settle!!
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One of our brilliant swings, Rayanne, saying goodnight (and peace)
Allison Case
Been so fun sharing my day with you! Hope you had fun too :) I'm thankful to be part of such a beautiful show and surrounded by the greatest people every day. The show says it best: "If you love something keep your hands on it. DON'T LET GO." xx, Allison
Allison Case