Good morning! Thrilled to be sharing my day with you. Inspired by Susan Lucci, I wake up looking like this every morning.
Maria-Christina Oliveras
One of the first things I do is tune in to 880AM or 1010WINS to get the weather and the latest news on that ancient obsolete contraption known as a boom box. Then, change it to NPR for some background talk as I get ready to head to…
Maria-Christina Oliveras
Love this place— best heated Vinyasa action in NYC. Great warm up for a 2 show day, and no one is freaked out when I vocalize. Lip trilling and sirens are welcome.
Maria-Christina Oliveras
Ready to get my OM on with fellow yogi, Segun. Those guns are not photo shopped, and they are indeed certified.
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Quick stroll through the Union Square Farmer’s Market— this booth’s sign always make me giggle.
Maria-Christina Oliveras
Whole Foods’ Coffee Bar for some green juice and the Ultimate Breakfast of Champions: a Chocolate Peppermint Luna Bar and Large Decaf (I know I know) cup of Coffee with lots of skim milk.
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A little pre-show primping action…
Maria-Christina Oliveras
Off to the theater. Head underground at Union Square, and stop for a bit of inspiration and people watching. NYC buskers are the best in the world. Here is one-man band extraordinaire, Jeffrey Masin.
Maria-Christina Oliveras
Spotted fellow pandas— and international ones, at that! These girls were on vacation from Bulgaria. Pandas are an endangered species, so I jumped on the opportunity to meet them. Good thing I had my panda in my bag for a quick change.
Maria-Christina Oliveras
I love NY— always randomly running into friends. Here with Henry Russell Bergstein…
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…and then, Josh De La Cruz. He is rehearsing Aladdin next door to our theater and just tore his meniscus. Flying carpets can be dangerous and introduce you to a whole new world of pain. (Sorry, couldn’t resist).
Maria-Christina Oliveras
Head through the stage door, which leads into one of multiple quick change corridors.
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The information matrix—our callboard—don’t forget to sign in! You’ll see why later…
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Me and the lovely Ashley Bell.
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Carly, our fabulous company manager, and company canine, Bailey.
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Some of our incomparable, multi-talented crew.
Maria-Christina Oliveras
A few of the many wigs done by Paul Huntley. Google him—he is legendary, and has the best stories.
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Brendan, wig maestro, getting it done.
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We are serious about our pin curls.
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From the basement wig station, I climb 6 flights up to what we fondly call “Siberia” where my dressing room is. En route, I run into Sucha, a native from Russia and one of our fantastic dressers. I do know she likes Chobani yogurt and Richard Simmons.
Maria-Christina Oliveras
Like Lady Liberty and her torch, this sign greets me at the top of the stairs and affirms that I have arrived to my humble abode, breathless.
Maria-Christina Oliveras
Time to beat the face…
Maria-Christina Oliveras
Broadway speakers: iPhone in a cup. The amplification is quite good. Today, a little Otis Redding to get in the zone… love this Pandora station (put in “Change is Gonna Come”—Otis, Sam Cooke and some other amazing goodies pop up). Another favorite for t
Maria-Christina Oliveras
With the exception of Rebecca, we all play multiple characters in this piece. Here are a few of my many faces.
Maria-Christina Oliveras
This look was my OK Cupid pic for a while— a surprising number of replies!
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Prohibition be damned.
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Meet Abbie and Randall, also known as the Court Stenographer and the Bailiff. They. Will. Cut. You.
Maria-Christina Oliveras
Winding down after the show--reading (new plays mostly and just picked up Sotomayor’s memoir), preliminary prep for a couple of voice-over and pilot auditions, checking e-mails, Facebook, snacking, catching up on phone calls, brainstorming new adventures…
Maria-Christina Oliveras
We have a lot of time between shows (our 2pm matinee finishes about 3:40pm), so Saturdays, we sometimes watch movies. Here, the boys troubleshoot technical difficulties.
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Dinner and a movie…
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Today’s selection: Berry Gordy’s "The Last Dragon," starring Taimak. I pass on this one, and head to Cross-Fit, inspired by the film’s opening image…
Maria-Christina Oliveras
BUT, need a little caffeine jolt, so grab a medium skim latte from Starbucks on the way…
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At The Black Box, where Coach Joseph Campbell (that is his actual name) has us sign in on the infamous white board.
Maria-Christina Oliveras
Today’s WOD (Workout of the day) is “Barbara.” 5 rounds of...”Why did I think this was a good idea, especially on a two-show day?!?” I alternate between thinking of Barbara Bush and Barbra Streisand to get through it.
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In action, wig cap and all…
Maria-Christina Oliveras
Still have lots of time, so stroll back to the theater from 26th Street, taking in all the tourists and the energy of the city. I am a native New Yorker, and still deeply in love with this place.
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Saturday Night on Broadway!
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The amazing Suzanne Bertish (I am secretly obsessed with her).
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This is what happens if you don’t sign in on the callboard.
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Back in the Chair…
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Two shows done, I head down to the lobby to meet up with my old friend Meredith, in town from New Orleans.
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Head to the West Bank Café for post-show revelry with Meredith, Scott and Justin.
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Love it here—you never know who you’re going to run into. Meet Natasha Veruskhka, sword swallowing belly dancer, and two time Guinness World Record Holder…
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Or the lovely Jack Doulin.
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I finally head home on the 2 downtown. Thank you for sharing my day with me—here’s wishing you and yours health, love, laughter and delicious adventures. Good night!
Maria-Christina Oliveras