Every good period piece requires a shave.
Wayne Wilcox
See? Told ya.
Wayne Wilcox
Chicago Shakespeare Theater has the best apartment housing. I’m on the 39th floor.
Wayne Wilcox
Matt and Colin like to Vogue. It gets them into character.
Wayne Wilcox
Oh hai, Sean Allan Krill.
Wayne Wilcox
Paula and David had to read me what this show is about. #myreadinglevel
Wayne Wilcox
Shhh. It’s places for the matinee.
Wayne Wilcox
David’s bowtie. We call that his talent. Just kidding.
Wayne Wilcox
I have time to take calls.
Wayne Wilcox
One down. One more to go.
Wayne Wilcox
Back to my swanky place
Wayne Wilcox
It’s foggy, ya’ll
Wayne Wilcox
That moment when your momma gives you a present. Wanna know what it is?
Wayne Wilcox
An actor, David, prepares.
Wayne Wilcox
All prepared, David.
Wayne Wilcox
The top of Sean is ready. The bottom… almost.
Wayne Wilcox
Colin, you have to put the mic back on. You can do it.
Wayne Wilcox
Matt is an angel. He laces up my boots. Again, angel.
Wayne Wilcox
Matthew’s on his phone.
Wayne Wilcox
Me too.
Wayne Wilcox
Matt and David, engaged.
Wayne Wilcox
We all get along.
Wayne Wilcox
I’m trying to get a good angle.
Wayne Wilcox
This goes there. On Emily’s head.
Wayne Wilcox
Again, trying for the perfect angle. Also, on the gaming tip, peep how smart I play. #scrabble
Wayne Wilcox
Michael wins best dressing room station.
Wayne Wilcox
Paula steals other people’s drinks from the fridge #hideyourcoffee
Wayne Wilcox
How come Colin gets 3 wigs, and I get none?
Wayne Wilcox
Getting ready for our Masterpiece Theater Special
Wayne Wilcox
This theater has everything. Art, theater, me.
Wayne Wilcox
The only prop I have in the show. And it’s my secret #neverused
Wayne Wilcox
And now, a selfie montage. Here’s me.
Wayne Wilcox
And me.
Wayne Wilcox
And… me.
Wayne Wilcox
And my mom’s present. Straight from Chattanooga, TN…Moon Pies!
Wayne Wilcox
And… us. Colin, Peter, David. Me.
Wayne Wilcox
An actor prepares.
Wayne Wilcox
David tries to steal other people’s mannequins.
Wayne Wilcox
So, there are beautiful women in our show. Emily and Tiffany work out.
Wayne Wilcox
No idea what I’m doing here, but…
Wayne Wilcox
No idea what David is doing here, but he’s so happy about it.
Wayne Wilcox
The beautiful women strike Teen Magazine poses.
Wayne Wilcox
Getting my hair did. Vain.
Wayne Wilcox
Also on the meanwhile tip, peep these sideburns
Wayne Wilcox
We get along.
Wayne Wilcox
Get on stage, Wayne Alan Wilcox!
Wayne Wilcox
Mirror selfie fail
Wayne Wilcox
David stole the camera
Wayne Wilcox
I got it back.
Wayne Wilcox
David stole it again. Dammit!
Wayne Wilcox
Don’t tell David.
Wayne Wilcox
We just fell in love! On stage, but it’s beautiful!!! Sharon and me.
Wayne Wilcox
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