50 Shades of Koh Mochizuki...
Janelle Anne Robinson
"I See Dead People..." Chris Shin and Brian Ogilve
Janelle Anne Robinson
Biddle Dee Dee Dee... three ladies! Kelly Jacobs, Tiffany Howard and Julie Barnes
Janelle Anne Robinson
Healthy snacks to get us through the day
Janelle Anne Robinson
Mary (Steffi Leigh) between scenes with one of our favorite crew members, Marshall.
Janelle Anne Robinson
This is me backstage during my quick change into Mrs. Corry for SUPERCAL...
Janelle Anne Robinson
The SUPERGAL GANG! well some of them... Laura, Jim, Brian, Elizabeth and Eric
Janelle Anne Robinson
Q Smith getting dolled up. With Tyrell
Janelle Anne Robinson
The very neat dressing room of Admiral Boom and the policeman (Tom Souhrada and Jim Hindman)
Janelle Anne Robinson
And this is what goes on when Admiral Boom leaves the room.
Janelle Anne Robinson
A couple of our fabulous crewmen: Alan and Jimmy
Janelle Anne Robinson
A view from the pit
Janelle Anne Robinson
Karl Kenzler (Mr. Banks) showing off his latest gadget.
Janelle Anne Robinson
Sweeps for hire. And they can tap their butts off!
Janelle Anne Robinson
Mmmm, dinner...
Janelle Anne Robinson
mmm, mmm dessert!
Janelle Anne Robinson
Some of the 800 posters we signed for the BCEFA fund drive
Janelle Anne Robinson
Part of our wonderful Hair dept: Paula, Tyrell and Colleen
Janelle Anne Robinson
Steffi getting her hair prepped for the show by Cheryl
Janelle Anne Robinson
Newsies! A view of our Disney family across the street from backstage
Janelle Anne Robinson
One of our security guards, Karim Rogers, preparing the stage door.
Janelle Anne Robinson
When a celeb comes to the show, we have them sign the wall. This is one of several.
Janelle Anne Robinson
The impending storm. We were shut down from Sunday night to Thursday.
Janelle Anne Robinson
In Val's room. Each Wednesday and Sunday we have tea during intermission.
Janelle Anne Robinson
Oh, Steffi brought a friend to tea time! Her practically perfect cousin. lol
Janelle Anne Robinson
Kristin Carbone about ready to pop! We've had many, many children born over the last 6 years.
Janelle Anne Robinson
And here are most of them!
Janelle Anne Robinson
Backstage before the bows. Nick, Barrett, Eric, Tiffany, Dennis and Q
Janelle Anne Robinson
Here I am with a lovely young donor for BCEFA.
Janelle Anne Robinson
Katie Nanni (one of our originals) just got engaged!!
Janelle Anne Robinson
Gavin Lee, our Bert, preparing for "Step in Time"
Janelle Anne Robinson
Gavin... wait, I THOUGHT we were getting ready.
Janelle Anne Robinson
Chuck Rea, Josh Assor, Brian Ogilve, Elizabeth DeRosa and myself waiting to go back to the dressing room at the end of the night. Come see us on Broadway!
Janelle Anne Robinson
50 Shades of Koh Mochizuki...
Janelle Anne Robinson
"I See Dead People..." Chris Shin and Brian Ogilve
Janelle Anne Robinson
Biddle Dee Dee Dee... three ladies! Kelly Jacobs, Tiffany Howard and Julie Barnes
Janelle Anne Robinson
Healthy snacks to get us through the day
Janelle Anne Robinson
Mary (Steffi Leigh) between scenes with one of our favorite crew members, Marshall.
Janelle Anne Robinson
This is me backstage during my quick change into Mrs. Corry for SUPERCAL...
Janelle Anne Robinson
The SUPERGAL GANG! well some of them... Laura, Jim, Brian, Elizabeth and Eric
Janelle Anne Robinson
Q Smith getting dolled up. With Tyrell
Janelle Anne Robinson
The very neat dressing room of Admiral Boom and the policeman (Tom Souhrada and Jim Hindman)
Janelle Anne Robinson
And this is what goes on when Admiral Boom leaves the room.
Janelle Anne Robinson
A couple of our fabulous crewmen: Alan and Jimmy
Janelle Anne Robinson
A view from the pit
Janelle Anne Robinson
Karl Kenzler (Mr. Banks) showing off his latest gadget.
Janelle Anne Robinson
Sweeps for hire. And they can tap their butts off!
Janelle Anne Robinson
Mmmm, dinner...
Janelle Anne Robinson
mmm, mmm dessert!
Janelle Anne Robinson
Part of our wonderful Hair dept: Paula, Tyrell and Colleen
Janelle Anne Robinson
Steffi getting her hair prepped for the show by Cheryl
Janelle Anne Robinson
Newsies! A view of our Disney family across the street from backstage
Janelle Anne Robinson
One of our security guards, Karim Rogers, preparing the stage door.
Janelle Anne Robinson
When a celeb comes to the show, we have them sign the wall. This is one of several.
Janelle Anne Robinson
The impending storm. We were shut down from Sunday night to Thursday.
Janelle Anne Robinson
Oh, Steffi brought a friend to tea time! Her practically perfect cousin. lol
Janelle Anne Robinson
Kristin Carbone about ready to pop! We've had many, many children born over the last 6 years.
Janelle Anne Robinson
Backstage before the bows. Nick, Barrett, Eric, Tiffany, Dennis and Q
Janelle Anne Robinson
Here I am with a lovely young donor for BCEFA.
Janelle Anne Robinson
Katie Nanni (one of our originals) just got engaged!!
Janelle Anne Robinson
Gavin Lee, our Bert, preparing for "Step in Time"
Janelle Anne Robinson
Gavin... wait, I THOUGHT we were getting ready.
Janelle Anne Robinson
Chuck Rea, Josh Assor, Brian Ogilve, Elizabeth DeRosa and myself waiting to go back to the dressing room at the end of the night. Come see us on Broadway!
Janelle Anne Robinson