Liz Pearce heads to the airport early to pick up her husband before the matinee. We are always happy when our significant others come to visit.
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Mary Michael Patterson does some yoga to prepare for the two show day.
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I shave, taking care not to remove the sideburns. Sometimes it feels like surgery.
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Jeremiah James tries to wake up with some coffee.
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Andrew Kober feeds Murray before he feeds himself.
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Murray fed, Andrew digs into a bagel and reads about his fellow cast members. “That’s who that guy is!”
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Joanna Glushak has to create a barrier to keep Lila from reaching the front door.
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Lila wants what Joanna’s having.
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Now it’s play time!
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Ed Dixon gets his pre-show iced tea at the Backstage Café.
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The theatre lobby for this afternoon’s performance.
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Ed Dixon entering the stage door.
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Jeremiah James arrives at the theatre.
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Josh Walden entering his dressing room.
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Stephanie Rothenberg prepares for the first of two shows.
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Mary Michael Patterson gets ready and shows her support for Michigan. “Go Blue!”
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Stephanie Rothenberg thinking: “You can leave now Robert.”
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Brad Gardner, our pianist and Associate Conductor getting a nutritious start to the matinee.
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Chris Ewing, PSM, checking things out backstage.
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Brent “Weasel” Rolfson doing a little pre-show cleanup.
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The Wig room…
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Must always remove wedding ring before show. Colonel Brandon is unmarried. A fact I have forgotten a few time in dress rehearsal.
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Joanna Glushak wigging out with Diana Ben-Kiki
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Jessica Hershberg is thrilled to be getting her picture taken during her wig time.
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Our director, Marcia Milgrom Dodge, relaxing before the matinee. Then it’s time for note-taking.
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Andrew Kober getting fastened in by Tim Nelson.
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Joanna Glushak in her wig getting her hat pinned on.
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Andrew Kober getting be-wigged.
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Trista Moldovan getting pinned by Maria Davis
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Preston Dyar reading Ed Dixon’s Autobiography. Oh the places you will go…
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The two JWs: Jason Watson and Josh Walden.
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Lots of costumes to change into and out of for Jason and Josh.
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Music Director Paul Masse gets into his period conducting attire.
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Liz Pearce pincurling.
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Preston Dyar getting revved up for the matinee with some coffee.
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Steven Strafford keeps Stephanie and Mary Michael company as they get ready.
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A good story in progress.
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A little coffee break for Stephanie.
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It’s iced coffee for Mary Michael.
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Andrew gets his coffee from Sam’s number 3, the terrific diner across from the Denver Center housing.
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Paul comes in to give a quick music note.
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Jason Watson, before transforming into one of his characters: DIRK CLUMPER!
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Dance Captain/Asst. Director Josh Walden prepping some notes for next week’s understudy rehearsal.
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Stacie Bono doing some curls…
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The ladies dressing room table.
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Now Stacie colors those lips.
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Liz Pearce does her eyes. One at a time, of course.
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Sometimes the competition for Marianne gets fierce.
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Col. Brandon makes an appearance in the opening number in the guise of Archibald Pherson MacPherson.
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Liz Pearce heading to places as Fanny Dashwood.
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Elinor Dashwood (aka Stephanie Rothenberg) heads to places for the top of Act 1.
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Steven Strafford swings into action!
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Before the show begins, Nick Verina (Edward Ferrars) and Stephanie Rothenberg (Elinor Dashwood) do some very serious concentration exercises. Method actors…
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Act 1 is over and Trista Moldovan returns to her dressing room for intermission.
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Intermission for Josh Walden.
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Someone has brought brownies and Andrew Kober is testing them for the rest of the cast.
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Stacie Bono heads into her dressing room.
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Jessica Hershberg and Steven Strafford have also discovered the Brownies.
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Stephanie Rothenberg is feeling fierce about her brownie.
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Paul Masse gets himself a frosty beverage for intermission.
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Ruth Gottschall seems to enjoy the brownies as well.
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Pianist/Associate Conductor Brad Gardner taking a break and being stalked by the photographer.
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The matinee is exhausting and a fainting couch is the only solution for Stacie Bono, Liz Pearce, Trista Moldovan and Jessica Hershberg.
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In between shows, Ruth Gottschall returns to her apartment to find a friend or two waiting for her. Here is Martini!
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And Gretchen!
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I have a little crush on Gretchen and run through the hallways with her. Or rather, chase her through the hallways.
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In between shows Liz Pearce has a spot of tea.
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How civilized!
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Jeremiah James gets a work out between shows.
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And while Jeremiah works out, I have a steak. Life is so much easier this way.
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Back to the theater for show number 2. Stephanie signs in.
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The ladies of dressing room B get ready for the Saturday evening show.
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Trista Moldovan prepping for show number 2.
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Jason Watson and Paul Masse pay a visit to dressing room B. With Trista Moldovan, Jessica Hershberg, Stacie Bono.
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Liz Pearce.
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Jeremiah James offstage.
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After the evening performance, Jason Watson, Preston Dyar and Jessica Hershberg say Farewell to our director Marcia Milgrom Dodge. She will return to New York the next day.
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“How many more pictures Robert? How many more?”
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After two shows, some of the cast hits Tom’s Urban Kitchen for some light refreshments. With Stacie Bono, Farra and Andrew Kober, Jason Watson, Liz Pearce and Jessica Hershberg.
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And goodnight!
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