Some Anything Goes Swag on my Dressing Table. Look at my cute cast!
J Tyler Whitmer
Our Angels getting their beat on. From left to right the sweet Annie Jo Ermel, the hilarious Katie Johannigman, and the girl version of myself Adrienne Storrs.
J Tyler Whitmer
I made my Sailor friends take a Sailor selfie so I could take this pic.
J Tyler Whitmer
Here’s the selfie… adorable.
J Tyler Whitmer
Our sound man James Guess blinded by mics BYE!
J Tyler Whitmer
Sometimes we play banana grams backstage. I can play one round before my brain turns to mush. I should read more.
J Tyler Whitmer
My favorite prop, a life saver draped in jewels and sparkly things, around our prop and everything man Bob Silton.
J Tyler Whitmer
Our dance captain Sayiga Eugene Peabody probably making fun of me for messing up or something… ugh. So cute though.
J Tyler Whitmer
Playtime with Adrienne Storrs between shows. She like, really loves this playground outside of the theatre, but nobody will play with her…
J Tyler Whitmer
OMG Opening Night! Me, J Tyler Whitmer, with the Marriott’s Administrative Assistant Superstar Amanda Corcoran, and Alex Palkovic who plays Erma!
J Tyler Whitmer
The Angels (Katie Johannigman, Annie Jo Ermel, Adrienne Storrs) with my love Gene Weygandt on opening night!
J Tyler Whitmer
Some boys get flowers, and some boys don’t. Andrew Purcell, Kevin Kulp, Patrick Sarb. Not Pictured: Kevin’s Flowers.
J Tyler Whitmer
From behind the curtain. Stephanie Binetti (Reno Sweeney) and Patrick Lane (Lord Evelyn Oakleigh) being perfect.
J Tyler Whitmer
A behind the scenes promo shot starring the brilliant Mary Ernster (Mrs. Evangeline Harcourt) and John Reeger (Captain).
J Tyler Whitmer
My most favorite I have ever taken at the theatre. My loves at PLACES!
J Tyler Whitmer
Who wore it best? Jameson Cooper (Billy Crocker) Scott Shimizu (John) Ross Lehman (Moonface Martin) and Kevin Kulp (Luke). Ross wins, sorry.
J Tyler Whitmer
Jerry Galante plays some Yatzee to kill time. YATZEE!
J Tyler Whitmer
They think they’re soooo cute. They are.
J Tyler Whitmer
A lesson in finding your light. FIND IT!
J Tyler Whitmer
The cutest and nicest man ever John Reeger (Captain) won Dollar Sunday! Yessssss.
J Tyler Whitmer
Erma (Alex Palkovic) chose me (J Tyler Whitmer) out of all the sailors in the world! Lucky gay boy here.
J Tyler Whitmer
The beautiful leading ladies Stephanie Binetti (Reno Sweeney) and Summer Smart (Hope Harcourt) in their finale wedding dresses. And Summer is actually getting married during this contract! YAY!
J Tyler Whitmer
SHIRT NIGHT!!!! Sorry Sam…
J Tyler Whitmer
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