GREETINGS from San Diego! Hope you enjoy this inside look into what we're up to here with The Last Goodbye. Here we go!
Billy Bustamante
The Old Globe probably wins the prize for "Prettiest Walk to Work". Here's one of the many amazing trees I pass on my way to the show.
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Working in Balboa Park means passing through the San Diego Zoo and saying hi to this fella!
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Hands down my favorite tree in Balboa Park!
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This view makes walking to work a joy...
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... as does this one! Almost there!
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Here we are! The beautiful Old Globe campus.
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Quick stop by the call board to sign in...
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Thanks for the Opening Night love, Newsies!!
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Here's the wall of fame by our dressing rooms. See anyone familiar?
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They store some pretty cool stuff back here.
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Here's one of our Spot Ops, Leah getting ready for the show.
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Almost time for fight call!
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Here's our AMAZING Dance/ Fight Captain, James getting ready for Fight Call.
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Our wonderful Stage Manager, Peter chatting w/ Cast member, Eric before Fight call begins.
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Aaaaaand FIGHT CALL! The fights in this show are no joke so we run them before every show... Here's Hale and Jeremy doin their thing.
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And soon we all join in!
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Master James keeps a watchful eye.
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Now time to get ready! Here's a glimpse of the Male Ensemble dressing room...
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Here are some of the masks we wear for the party scene.
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Our swing, Bradley is celebrating his first time going on today!! He killed it!
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The lovely Megan Carmitchel...
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Quick stop to say hi to Hale, Jeremy, and Wallace...
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Old pals Jeremy and Wallace being productive. ; )
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Hale showing us how we all get tatted up. He has some of the coolest tattoos in the show. Note the Queen Mab fingers.
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Now he's all dressed and ready to go!
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Our lovely Juliet, Talisa getting the star treatment she deserves.
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Our Romeo, Jay, showing off our opening night gifts, framed production photos shots by the AMAZING Matthew Murphy!
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Our Nurse, Tonye showing off her fan-ography skills.
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Cast member, Adam is all dressed and ready to get his Capulet on.
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Dresser, Tim and our Benvolio, Brandon help Wallace dawn his Prince garb.
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Wallace in all his princely glory.
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Our stellar ladies, Shannon (Lady Capulet) and Nancy (Lady Montague) showing of their AMAZING costumes.
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Cast member Nik taking a quiet moment before places is called.
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Our guitar-playing, face-melting Singer, Adam tuning up. He is amazing, y'all.
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We sneak in a quick Montague family portrait before heading to our places. Here's Steve, Brandon, Nancy, Brian, James and Hale!
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Now for the cool part... I get to take you guys back stage for a glimpse of our beautiful show from the wings! Here's a rare look at the show WE see...
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Our amazing Conductor, Arranger and Orchestrater, Kris leading the band.
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Adam tearing it up on the guitar...
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Quick shot of Romeo (Jay) and Juliet (Talisa) in looooove.
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Our wonderful Friar, Stephen Bogardus.
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Sensible aerial view...
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That's about all I am able to shoot in Act one! But trust me, stuff goes down. Here's Mercutio (Hale) and Tybalt (Jeremy) at intermission. SO. MUCH. BLOOD!
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Onto act 2! Romeo and Juliet stealing a (final?) kiss...
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... and a glmpse.
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Dan (Capulet) teaching his daughter what's what.
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Dreamy Paris (Eric) w/ Juliet and the Friar.
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Juliet and the Friar
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Some mother-daughter bonding between Lady Capulet and Juliet.
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Another of Talisa and Shannon...
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Juliet singing the moving Jeff Buckley song, "What Will You Say"
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Romeo (Jay) in exile...
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Jay scaling the walls. He is all over this set, y'all.
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Romeo (Jay) with the Apothecary (Bryan).
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Jay singing the Buckley classic, "Grace"
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Jay Armstrong Johnson delivers "Grace." And man does he SING it!
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View from Stage Left...
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And stage right!
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One last thing I can show ya! Here is our crazy set, all peaceful post-show. Come check us out at the Old Globe until Nov. 3rd!!
Billy Bustamante