Every morning starts with coffee.
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Cuisinart. It's fun to say, and it makes great coffee too.
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I like to start my two show day with yoga. It centers me and warms me up for the day.
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I started eating salads for breakfast a few months ago, and I've noticed a big jump in my energy and awareness.
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The Palace stage door.
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Eddie is our daytime doorman. So chill.
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Rachel and MK in the stage management office.
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Our PSM Rachel Wolff.
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Brooklyn can't help but pose for the camera.
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Tyra has dimples galore!
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We're close here at Annie.
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Pecas takes care of us. Without her and her elevator, we'd all have to walk up to our dressing room. On the 7th floor.
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See. 7th floor.
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Merwin is usually the first thing I see in our dressing room.
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Joel is usually the second.
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My name tag over my spot in the room.
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Part of my pre-show routine is a good long session with the foam roller.
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I don't know what I'd do without this thing.
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Keven enters with panache.
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Keven is very proud of his signed poster.
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Broadway's Dennis Stowe. I usually don't photograph people while they're eating, but it's all he ever does anymore. He's gotta get his daily calories.
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Matt does the puzzle.
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Ryan makes a subdued entrance.
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The boys settle in for the matinee.
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Again, we're very close here at Annie.
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David our dance captain.
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Ryan is our awesome dresser. He laughs a lot.
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It will become very apparent that I'm obsessed with this puzzle.
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Danette is one of our swings. And she's pretty.
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Joel reading in the green room before the show.
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During "Hard Knock Life," some of the cast does Hard Knock Abs... which starts with pushups.
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Here's the abs section of Hard Knock Abs.
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Brooklyn is working on a six pack.
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Keven loves Hard Knock Abs.
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Ryan wails on his abs.
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It's fun to play with dogs backstage.
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Sunny is mesmerized.
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A passing glance of the orphans.
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Ashley sometimes makes funny faces.
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Mr. Anthony Warlow gets into character.
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Dresser Hector gets disciplined.
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Fred hangs out in the green room.
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Jane in the wig room.
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Brynn gets her hair done by Josh.
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I'm not sure how she feels about her hair.
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Me and Taylor.
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Georgi tries to stay cool.
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Here I am at the puzzle again. It's seriously the hardest puzzle I've ever worked on.
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Keven does a quick-change-dance every night during "You're Never Fully Dressed Without a Smile."
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Dennis encounters the dance break.
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Keven encourages Dennis to join in.
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It's not working.
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I usually go home and cook dinner between shows, but today, I thought it'd be nice to go out.
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Blueberry mint lemonade.
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Edamame. Yum.
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Keven and his steak.
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The steak.
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Ryan and his burger.
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The burger.
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Me and my burger.
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The burger
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Naps between shows in the green room are common.
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More naps.
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Freddie is our night time door man. What a smile!
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Post nap coffee.
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Our peerless guardian team.
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Teaching children to gamble.
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Dollar Friday is fancy here at Annie.
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Brynn and Madi Rae share a moment.
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After the wig.
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Before the wig.
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Sarah gets ready for an entrance.
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We have to get cozy in the elevator after the show. That's two shows down! Come and see us sometime at the Palace Theatre!
Jeremy Davis