Good morning, from Naples, Florida!! In December, this isn't the worst view to wake up to every morning! Check out the tiki bar! Life is good.
Blair Goldberg
Nuns gotta keep their chords healthy and moisturized! I travel a humidifier with me to each city and turn it on near my bed at night. It works great, plus when I wake up in the morning, I feel like I'm in the boat scene from Phantom.
Blair Goldberg
Some of my favorite nuns: Alysha Deslorieux, Trisha Jeffrey, and Kelly E. Waters backstage during a show.
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A sea of nun veils! One for every occasion! Each nun has a number, and we pick up and drop off all of our different veils from here.
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My heaviest, and sparkliest costume! I love seeing the audience reaction when we all enter onto the stage in our finale costumes. There is so much glitter that I almost always find it in my bed the next morning.
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Some might call me weird, and they would definitely be right, but I'm obsessed with jigsaw puzzles. There's nothing like whipping out a nice 750 piece puzzle of New York City to remind me of home and challenge my brain when I have some downtime.
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In Naples, the fire alarm went off in our theater at "places," so the entire cast, crew, and audience needed to be evacuated, most of us in partial costume. Chaos ensued.
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Fire alarm photo op in the parking lot!
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Our stage managers keep a stash of M&M's for the cast and crew in their office. There are 8 flavors to choose from. I've been known to eat, on average, 82 peanut butter M&M's during each show.
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Mary Jo McConnell caught Kingsley Leggs eating an M&M in costume and reprimanded him.
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We went bowling one night in Naples after the show. It's Brian Cali's turn! Jason Simon and Kingsley Leggs cheer him on outwardly, but secretly hope he gets a gutter ball.
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I'm relatively bad at most sports, so it came as no surprise that I couldn't break 100. Brian came in first with a whopping 111, followed by Alysha with a mean 97, then me, and lastly, Dashaun Young with a cool 79 points. We are the champions.
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I'm in the process of planning a wedding while on the road (yay!), so during the day I always have lots of bridal magazines and books sprawled out around my hotel room. Right now, I'm gathering ideas for for bridesmaids gowns and cakes!
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In Naples, we celebrated our 100th show with delicious cupcakes!
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A little pre-show dance warm up with Wendy James and Tricia Tanguy. Today we chose Jazz 101. Check out that technique!
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During the show, I transition from a nun to various other characters, which means I spend a lot of time putting on and taking off makeup, since we can't wear any as a nun. Here I am, getting ready to be a bar patron.
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Before we left Naples, we found a Steak n Shake. I've never tried it, so Kelly E. Waters took me to one nearby. A delicious goodbye Naples meal! Nuns gotta eat, too.
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A rainy morning in Naples as we load up the bus with our luggage and drive to the airport for our flight to Charlotte, NC!
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The first thing we do when we get to a new city is drop off our bags and then go out to explore. In Charlotte, Lael Van Keuren, Erin Henry and I ended up at Morton's Steakhouse and enjoyed some wine and bar bites after a long travel day.
Blair Goldberg
After all the food & drink, it's time to force myself to work out. Knowing there's a TV makes me happy, because anyone who knows me knows I'm a TV junkie. I chose Maury for this workout, because I like to stay classy. Spoiler alert- Darcy WAS the father.
Blair Goldberg
Our gym in Charlotte is equipped with this silver ball. I guess I'll do some exercises.
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But I usually just end up taking a bunch of naps because I read somewhere that sleeping burns calories.
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The wig room in Charlotte!
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When we get to a new city, our local dressers go through our costumes to get familiar with the different elements so the show runs smoothly.
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At our new theater, Lael Van Keuren, Florrie Bagel, Kelly E. Waters and myself all settle in to our new dressing room. And by settle in, I mean we pose for a photo op.
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Erin Henry, studying her tracks on a really cool Ipad app called Stage Write.
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My Sister Mary Robert understudy boots! I love me some sparkle, and they are surprisingly comfortable to dance in!
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Our time away from being a nun is short and precious to us ladies. Kelly E Waters, myself, and Angie Marie Smith pose for a quick pic before the bar scene.
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One of the most rewarding parts of being on the road is meeting the fans in all different cities. In Charlotte, NC, we met Morgan Wakefield, who had a book with her with a page devoted to each show she's seen at the Ovens Auditorium in Charlotte.
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It's important to try and stay healthy on the road, so in Charlotte, I went and got a flu shot! It was a blast.
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For Danny George's birthday, a bunch of us went to the Nascar Speedpark in Charlotte, NC for some racing, laser tag, arcade games and rock climbing!
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Rock climbing for Danny's birthday with Ashley Moniz, Michelle Rombola, and Danny Taylor. I made it 1 or 2 steps up before I gave up and ate a hot dog instead.
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"Tell me again why I can't wear my heels with my nun costume?" -Ta'Rea Campbell, our amazing Deloris, to our dance captain, Erin Henry.
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I was so excited to get to perform one of my understudy tracks, Mary Theresa, in Charlotte. She's the oldest nun in the convent, which I am not, making for a pretty fun show for all.
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Our resident drag queen, Dashaun Young, getting into character!
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We celebrated another birthday on the day of our last show in Charlotte! Florrie Bagel was the birthday girl and we had a pre-show treat in her honor. Bye-bye Charlotte! On to Greenville!
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On the bus driving from Charlotte, NC to Greenville, SC, listening to the greatest cast album ever made, Carrie! I have such great memories from this production! Buy it! No seriously, it's awesome. Buy it. Now.
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We're in Greenville! At each new theater, we have a cast orientation with our management to get everyone on the same page and go over the weekly schedule. Here's the cast listening intently, while Ernie Pruneda photo bombs.
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Sound checking at our new theater.
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Raising Our Voices for sound check!
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Our lovely Mary Lazarus, Diane J. Findlay, has been out for the past week and tonight is her first night back. After we sound checked she teared up because she missed singing with us. She is the absolute sweetest, and we are so glad to have her back!
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In Greenville, we had the pleasure of welcoming a new cast member to our tour family! Jacqui Graziano, who was a swing on Broadway, came out to join us! We are thrilled to have a new, awesome, and very talented addition to the ladies dressing room.
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Glitter Mary in all her glory! And Ernie Pruneda. Photobombing again.
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A quick Target shopping trip during the day, where Alysha Deslorieux finds her newest ensemble for a night out on the town. Lookin' good, Lysh!
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Aaron Elgart, our Assistant Stage manager, and Ian Carr, our Assistant Audio Engineer, playing cornhole with the local crew before half hour.
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The call board in Greenville, SC! As you can see, there is lots of information being posted at all times, and plenty of posters to sign!
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Signing posters with the lovely Tricia Tanguy!
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Brian Cali, E. Clayton Cornelious, and Dashaun Young. Hard to say what they're doing.
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Tricia Tanguy and Angie Marie Smith just being bums.
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Life on the road means unpacking and packing each and every week! Angie Marie Smith packs her trunk up before we head off to Boston!
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Mary Jo McConnell and Tricia Tanguy enjoying a sweet treat at a cast favorite tour spot, Marble Slab.
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Or as we like to call it, "Slabbin' it!" Yum!!!! Now its off to bed to get some sleep for our travel day to Boston, tomorrow!
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But how will we get back to our hotel? Babies can't drive. Alysha Deslorieux and myself are not quite yet old enough to legally drive the company vehicles, so Alysha protests by sitting in the trunk.
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Up bright and early with Dashaun Young and Todd A. Horman at the airport, flying to Boston!
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As soon as we got to Boston, Danny George and I took a little walk in the snow to explore. It was crazy how many cabs we saw drive by with Sister Act advertisements on them! We even found this cute little town square with our poster.
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Trisha Jeffrey, Ta'Rea Campbell and Alysha Deslorieux sound-checking "Fabulous, Baby!"
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Our wonderful conductor and music director, Brent-Alan Huffman, leading our sound check in Boston.
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Here I am sound checking at the Boston Opera House! Simply gorgeous- it still gives me the chills to know that I get to live my dream every night and perform on stages in theaters like this.
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Happy opening in Boston!! It's "places!" Here we go!
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Ta'Rea Campbell and I always make time for a quick workout.
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Jason Simon being a stud.
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Our wonderfully talented Mother Superior, Hollis Resnik, being the OPPOSITE of her character, backstage.
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Thanks for joining me on my adventures! Come check us out in one of our next cities! Raise your voice and spread the love:)
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An adorable note left for the company from the locals in Greenville! Thanks, Jason Simon, for snapping this one!
Blair Goldberg