Top of the Morning! During the week, I am usually awoken by my private string quartet softly playing a Bach Suite, and of course my footmen attend me. But I gave them the day off today and decided to take the train to the gym. First a coffee stop!
Wayne Alan Wilcox
Mmmmmmm, coffee and music. And a weird close up of my nose.
Wayne Alan Wilcox
Well, good morning NYC.
Wayne Alan Wilcox
For the tourists and my fans outside of NYC ( hi and I love you), this is Chelsea Market. En route to the gym, I’ll take you to a few of my favorite spots inside.
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When I said I was going to the gym, I meant going to wine. It’s 9 AM and I want wine. What’s wrong with me?
Wayne Alan Wilcox
Coolest wishing well you’ll ever see is right in the middle of Chelsea Market. I recommend throwing as many pennies in here as humanly possible.
Wayne Alan Wilcox
Buon Italia is an all-Italian, straight from Italy market. Some of the best olive oil I get from here. And all the ladies treat me like I’m their son. Who doesn’t eat enough Lasagna. They say, “Look-a how e-skinny you are-ah!”
Wayne Alan Wilcox
See, I wasn’t lying about the time. Oy. It’s the early worm that gets to the bush with two birds in it. Or something like that.
Wayne Alan Wilcox
Cool light floors and a face. Look at how stooopid I am.
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Look at that. That’s there! That thing I’m looking at is right there. What it is?
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Leftover Halloween craftsmanship.
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Dripping piano, anyone?
Wayne Alan Wilcox
We made it to the gym. Let’s do it. It’s 9:15. You’re welcome, America.
Wayne Alan Wilcox
Some of the machines at the gym look like torture devices. Avoid them.
Wayne Alan Wilcox
Honey badger don’t care, he wears mismatched socks to abs class.
Wayne Alan Wilcox
This is Kristi Molinaro, fitness godess and creator of 30/60/90, which is a gym class that will kick yo butt. You’re gonna sweat, trust.
Wayne Alan Wilcox
I’m meeting some friends for brunch at COOKSHOP, a spot in Chelsea I used to work in. I’ve poured more glasses of wine and made more drinks here than anyone. Ever.
Wayne Alan Wilcox
Brunch is crazy out of focus. But apparently really happy. PS, I’m drinking water. I have two shows today. I’m jealous of the bloody mary, tho.
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Brunch is gooood here.
Wayne Alan Wilcox
It’s 1pm now, and I’m almost to work. I love my job.
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Just press the button and you’re in.
Wayne Alan Wilcox
Silence is golden. Who wrote that? I’ll give you twenty pesos if you said The Four Seasons.
Wayne Alan Wilcox
When your last name starts with a W, you’re always on the bottom of the call sheet. I was always called last in school.
Wayne Alan Wilcox
Extreme close up of our Stage Manager, Kim Vernace.
Wayne Alan Wilcox
We’re raising money for Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS this week. All these signed playbills are gonna go in a handy plastic sleeve and go for 20 bucks a pop. Just doing our part for charity folks.
Wayne Alan Wilcox
Let’s see how many people I can kiss backstage before it appears awkward. So far, 1. Rico, one of our stage managers.
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Home, sweet Home. My dressing room.
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A Charlie pillow I got from my dear friends Barry and Buzz for opening night. I sit on his face. Is that weird?
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Some of my research for Sydney. And Charlie, and the world of our little “shew”
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Broadway musical survival kit.
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I think I have too much time on my hands.
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Maureen and Dora, two of our esteemed dressers. They’re in love with me.
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So is Emily Tyra.
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Shhh. This is my secret warm-up place in the house. Nobody knows it’s me warming up in here. Even though they can all hear me and totally know it’s me in here.
Wayne Alan Wilcox
It’s almost time to let the people into the theater. Soon gonna be a full house.
Wayne Alan Wilcox
And here’s a light fixture. It’s in the theater, so I think it’s relavent. Right?
Wayne Alan Wilcox
Full on smooching Sandy, Rob’s esteemed dresser. She’s a great kisser.
Wayne Alan Wilcox
Goofing off with Ethan and Zack and Zack’s brother, Noah.
Wayne Alan Wilcox
Cinematic grey scale movie make-up time. Step 1
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Step 2. PS: what is that expression? Like, what’s going on with my lips in this one?
Wayne Alan Wilcox
Step 3. And smile.
Wayne Alan Wilcox
Step 4. The lips. And, again Wayne, what’s up with that face?
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Almost there. Almost time to go say hi to the band.
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I call this: Priorities.
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Jenn Colella and I have a dinner date after the matinee.
Wayne Alan Wilcox
Again: Priorities.
Wayne Alan Wilcox
Jim, my esteemed dresser, won’t let me kiss him. But he will put my mic tape on my back.
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I’m trying to bring back the saucer.
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It’s THE BAND!! What up, pups!
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Stephanie, in our esteemed sound dept. goes full tongue on me.
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Ian Liberto and Sarah O’Gleby really enjoy each other’s company, while Rico decides if he should call Human Resources. Again.
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Right before places. A brothers' moment before the controlled chaos ensues.
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This is how many Ricola lozenges I went through at the matinee. Just me.
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It’s Erin Mackey with Steven, of our esteemed hair/make up dept.
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This is our Saturday Intermission Picture. Follow us @ChaplinBway, and look for #SIP to see them all.
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NYU students came to the matinee. And they know that every good audience member brings flowers. Or, they know that I just like presents.
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Yay, fans. I wanna take a picture of YOU GUYS!!
Wayne Alan Wilcox
Jenn and I are going to skip to dinner now. See you there.
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My favorite restaurant in midtown. It’s becoming my CHEERS, where everybody knows my name.
Wayne Alan Wilcox
I got Jenn to let me kiss her. Well, her hair. It’s tasty.
Wayne Alan Wilcox
Back at the theater after dinner, I take a quick nap, with Charlie Chaplin. Odd?
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I get one from Ian.
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More stage managers. They’re multiplying.
Wayne Alan Wilcox
Hayley Podschun!
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Walking to places for the second “shew”
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In the wings, right before the downbeat to start the shindig.
Wayne Alan Wilcox
I got Erin Mackey to kiss me!!
Wayne Alan Wilcox
Double tongue from Jenn Colella and Hayley Podschun!
Wayne Alan Wilcox
Michael Mendez, Tim Hughes and Hayley
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Okay, so I can’t tell you why Steph is smiling. All I can say it’s part of mine and Jenn Colella’s track. We have to do it.
Wayne Alan Wilcox
A tiny break before I go back on for the end of the second show.
Wayne Alan Wilcox
Total for the day. Yikes. Just me.
Wayne Alan Wilcox
And now. It comes off….
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one layer at a time…
Wayne Alan Wilcox
And I’m back!! That’s my 2-show day! I’m going to a birthday party tonight, and then home to bed cause I’ll come back to tomorrow for the last show of the week. Peace out, everybody.
Wayne Alan Wilcox