The show began as a television drama called "I, Don Quixote," written by playwright Dale Wasserman. It was Mr. Marre who suggested the show be turned into a musical. Wasserman fashioned a story in which Cervantes, waiting in a prison cell to be tried by the Spanish Inquisition, tells his fellow inmates the story of Don Quixote. The show's simple storytelling and idealistic, yet charmingly foolish hero struck a chord with audiences, rendering the show an oft-revived classic, and transforming its central song, "The Impossible Dream," into a musical theatre anthem. Mr. Marre's wife, actress Joan Diener, played the lead female role of tavern wench Aldonza.
Read Full ObituaryTony Award | |||
1966 | Best Direction of a Musical | Winner | |
1956 | Direction (pre-1960) | Nominee |