Camelia Campbell (Performer) | Playbill

Camelia Campbell


Roles (11)

Pb Listing Placeholder BROADWAY V4 Goodbye Again
Opened November 09, 1943
  • as Julia Wilson (Original)
Pb Listing Placeholder BROADWAY V4 A Hero Is Born
Opened October 01, 1937
  • as Gossiping Guest (Original)
  • as Ladies and Gentlemen and Servants of the Court (Original)
  • as Other Guest (Original)
  • as The Rainbow Fairy (Original)
Pb Listing Placeholder BROADWAY V4 It Can't Happen Here
Opened October 26, 1936
  • as Mary Greenhill (Original)
Pb Listing Placeholder BROADWAY V4 Help Yourself
Opened July 14, 1936
  • as Peggy Danforth (Original)
Pb Listing Placeholder BROADWAY V4 Murder in the Cathedral
Opened March 20, 1936
  • as Fourth woman of Canterbury (Original)
Pleasure Man Playbill - October 1928 Pleasure Man
Opened October 01, 1928
  • as Dolores (Original)
The Arabian Playbill - October 1927 The Arabian
Opened October 31, 1927
  • as Nitah (Original)
Dawn Playbill - December 1924 Dawn
Opened November 24, 1924
  • as Lulu Maynard (Original)

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