A child is taken from his Blackfeet tribe and returns as a young attorney with an opportunity that unwittingly sets off a firestorm.
Directed by Lynne Taylor-Corbett
Scenic Design by Regina Garcia
Costume Design by E.B. Brooks and Younghawk Bautista
Lighting Design by Anthony Pearson
Sound Design by Bel Selke
Music Direction by James Woods
Cast Includes Jeff Barehand, Spencer Battiest, Aubee Billie, Xander Chauncey, Bonale Fabrini, Brent Florendo, Chava Florendo, Angela Gómez, Irma-Estel Laguerre, Johnlee Lookingglass, Glenn Stanton, Michelle Rios, Sampwe Tarrant, Shaun Taylor-Corbett, Chelsea Zeno
Regular Priced Tickets: $49 and $79
Special Previews Only Price: $35