Detective Hercule Poirot is on the case as passengers riding the opulent Orient Express are stranded on a snowy track with a killer in their midst. Poirot must solve the curious conundrum of who stabbed one American tycoon eight times in his locked compartment before the murderer strikes again!
One of Christie’s most renowned titles, audiences will love the twists, turns, and thrills they encounter as they join Poirot on this mind-bending journey.
Directed by Peter Amster
Featuring Andrew Sellon, David Breitbarth, Mallory Newbrough, La Shawn Banks, Lucy Lavely, Suzanne Ankrum, Laura Turnbull, Jeanne Bennett, Rayner Gabriel, Jordan Nobel, Giselle Fryer, Jack Weiss, Michele Weiss, Eileen Weissman, Carol Medina Wright, Kim Cozort Kay, Vince Wingerter