A playful new adaptation of Jane Austen’s beloved novel follows the fortunes (and misfortunes) of the Dashwood sisters—sensible Elinor and hypersensitive Marianne—after their father’s sudden death leaves them financially destitute and socially vulnerable. Set in gossipy late 18th-century England, with a fresh female voice, the play is full of humor, emotional depth, and bold theatricality. Sense and Sensibility examines our reactions, both reasonable and ridiculous, to societal pressures. When reputation is everything, how do you follow your heart?
Directed by Adriana Baer
Featuring Elizabeth Bunch, Michelle Elaine, Christine Friale, Dylan Godwin, Chris Hutchison, Laura Kaldis, Melissa Molano, Melissa Pritchett, David Rainey, Gabriel Regojo, Briana J. Resa, Christopher Salazr, & Todd Waite