Utoya (London, Arcola Theatre, 2024) | Playbill




July 2011. A far right terrorist has just massacred sixty-nine people, most of them students attending a Norwegian Labour Party Youth’s summer camp on the island of Utoya.

Gunnar and Malin have sent their daughter to the island, and desperately seek contact. On the farm next-door to the perpetrator’s, Petter and Inga realise their suspicions about him are well founded. At Central Command, Alf and Unni must decide on the best course of action in response to the attack.

A searing reflection on the domestic effects of societal trauma, Utoya offers a timely consideration of how tragedy can both bind people together and pull them further apart.

Directed by Sarah Stacey
Translated by Marco Young
Norwegian Cultural Consultant Runa Røstad Augdal
Sound Design by Jamie Lu
Lighting Design by Catja Hamilton
Scenic and Costume Design by Caitlin Marhinney

Cast Includes Kate Reid, Marco Young


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