After losing what matters most, a young man jumps a moving train unsure of where the road will take him and finds a new home with the remarkable crew of a traveling circus, and a life—and love—beyond his wildest dreams. Seen through the eyes of his older self, his adventure becomes a poignant reminder that if you choose the ride, life can begin again at any age.
Directed by Jessica Stone
Music Direction by Matt Hinkley
Choreographed by Shana Carroll & Jesse Robb
Featuring Brandon Block, Antoine Boissereau, Stan Brown, Paul Castree, Taylor Colleton, Joe De Paul, Gabrielle Elisabeth, Bryan Fenkart, Sara Gettelfinger, Harry Groener, Keaton Hentoff-Killian, Nicolas Jelmoni, Caroline Kane, Joel Malkoff, Isabella McCalla, Wade McCollum, Michael Mendez, Jo'Nathan Michael, Gabriel Olivera De Paula Costa, Samuel Renaud, Marissa Rosen, Alexandra Gaelle Royer, Sean Stack, Matthew Varvar, Ryan Vasquez, Michelle West