AD: Fearless Cold Reading in October | Join us! | Last FCR groups till April 2025 | Playbill


AD: Fearless Cold Reading in October | Join us! | Last FCR groups till April 2025


The Art and the Audition with Karen Kohlhaas
New York, NY


Karen Kohlhaas

Job Details


Dear Actor,

This class helps you

• Build solid, testable skills that give you confidence in the room/zoom/selftape

• Put fun and adventure back into your auditioning!

• Be the artist in the audition that you are in rehearsals, shoots and shows!

• Knock toxic perfectionism, self-doubt, and self-sabotage to the ground—in other words, get out of your own way, and on your way to having fun telling the story

When you have those skills, you'll chase down every audition you possibly can.

I'm now enrolling two groups of this class for October. These will be the last Fearless Cold Reading groups I'll teach until April 2025.

Join us! The full class curriculum, tuition, schedule and how to apply are all below. This class is held online.


KAREN KOHLHAAS is an Atlantic Theater Co. founding member, senior teacher, and Off-Broadway director. She was named Best NYC Cold Reading Teacher and Best NYC Monologue Teacher by Backstage readers and is the author of 3 books on monologues and auditioning. She offers private classes in monologues, cold reading, advanced acting, and Tennessee Williams online and sometimes in New York City, and guest teaches around the country. See below for full bio and comments from alumni.


CLASS 1 | We start the first class with a diagnostic read that's recorded so you can compare it to your reads in the last class. (The results are often dramatically different!) Then, I'll teach you my 10-point system: the ten skills and qualities that you need to stand out in any reading type of audition. Homework: 1) Meet with classmate(s) to practice the 10 points and get them into your body and mind 2) Practice on your own: a simple eye exercise that helps you connect with your partner/reader more and gets rid of anxiety about losing your place on the page in a really cold read.

CLASS 2 | You'll learn how to quickly assess genre, style, objectives, circumstances and tone. We review and check in with your progress on the 10 points. I'll teach you about key moments—when something shifts or changes in a script, and how to take advantage of those moments to give your reading more surprise, variety and depth. We record your slates, and I teach you a technique that will help you stand out with the quality of your slates. Homework: 1) Practice those scripts with your partner during the week with the goal of bringing them to audition-ready level, acting as each other's reader. When you're ready, you send those reads to me during the week for feedback. 2) Practice your new slate technique. You can send them to me anytime for feedback.

CLASS 3 | I'll give you 10 minutes with brand new scripts and tell you what to prioritize if you only have a very short time to look over a script. We work those scripts, and also focus on working well with good, neutral, and terrible readers (you'll also learn how to be a great reader!). We fine-tune your slates, and talk about how to chat effectively, picking up on cues from your auditors. We start part 1 of "Industry Chat": how to handle yourself effectively in the room, answering common industry questions & requests like "How do you see yourself?" and "Tell me a little about you." Knowing how to chat effectively can sometimes tip the balance to a callback or a booking. Homework: 1) Practice prepping scripts quickly, working with a partner and exchanging the favor of being each other's reader. 2) Practice slates, chat, entering and exiting the room with confidence.

CLASS 4 | We record a new, ice-cold reading as the "after" example so you can see the difference from your reads in the first class. We also record slate "afters" with feedback. We work "Industry Chat" part 2, and finish the class by watching your cold reading "befores and afters" as well as your slate "befores and afters". Everyone leaves with feedback on what and how to keep working on everything from class! I frequently have groups and partners who continue to meet and support each other long after classes end.

TO APPLY: Reply to this post with your pic/res, and choice of group

Group A) Thursday| 6-9pm Eastern | October 3, 10, [skip 17], 24, 31

Group B) Friday | 6-9pm Eastern | October 4, 11, [skip 18], 25, Nov 1

Tuition: $350 | payment plans available


I was asked to cold read in a firing squad type situation where three agents watched me read while sitting on a couch about 3 feet away from me. I aced it, and even after previously telling me he had no more room for me on his roster the agent was suddenly trying to make some room. Honestly I would have choked on that cold read and those interviews before I took your class. I feel so much more prepared and I just want to thank you again.—CLEM McINTOSH

One of the producers pulled me aside to tell me my audition/cold read was one of the best she had seen in the auditions, and that obviously whatever audition classes I had taken paid off. This came only weeks after completing your cold reading class.—JASON BARKER

I had to cold read at an audition the other day with a casting director and she said, "I can't believe you just got that side 2 minutes ago!" I felt so confident in making bold instinctual choices, so thank you again!—MONICA WEST

I just got a callback for the first audition I have had since your class and I think listening to my reader, going back to the script and keeping the energy up made an extraordinary difference in both my performance and ability to be open to direction. And, best of all, the audition was really fun.—ANNA KULL

My cold reading skills are becoming really sharp by practicing what you taught us in class!—HILARY GREER

Your fearless cold reading technique helps me feel like I am in so much more control of any character that I am auditioning for and gives me more confidence in the audition room. Your techniques have helped my career tremendously.—BRIAN MORGAN

My friends have noticed a change in me, not just professionally, and it's partly because of the 'peace' your class has brought me. My auditioning has become stronger and my “Oh S***” moments are much fewer and farther between in a short amount of time. I've sent recommendations to my friends to take your class.—MAYA LYNNE ROBINSON

Your valuable class completely shifted my perspective on auditioning. My auditions have already improved significantly, and I believe this is just the beginning.—EREL PILO

Just auditioned for a movie & they said they were blown away by my listening skills - that they could have watched me listen all day! That's thanks to your fearless cold reading lessons. Feeling empowered;)—ALLISON THREADGOLD

It was just me and the filmmaker. She gave me a quick sketch of my character, then gave me the script and let me read through the page once. Then I read with her while she recorded me on her phone. I kept in mind a few important points that Karen has taught us. When I was done, the filmmaker literally said, "I'm impressed with how well you can cold read." She told me she liked me and that I really "got" what the character was all about. She cast me on the spot.—MIRIAM LIND

KAREN KOHLHAAS is an Atlantic Theater Company founding member, director, and senior teacher. She developed and teaches her own approach to monologue audition technique, which was recently recommended in Helen Mirren's Master Class on acting, and which she teaches in New York, around the US, internationally, and now online.

Director | For Atlantic, Karen has directed productions of plays by Harold Pinter, David Mamet, Annie Baker, Keith Reddin, Kia Corthron, Shel Silverstein, Hilary Bell, Joe Penhall, and Kate Moira Ryan. She has also directed for Primary Stages, the New York Shakespeare Festival/Public Theater, Naked Angels, Ars Nova, Ensemble Studio Theatre, New York Live Arts, 24 Hour Plays on Broadway, the Alley Theatre, Houston, New Dramatists, Menagerie Theatre in Cambridge, UK, The Culture Project, the Practical Theater Co. in Sydney and others.

Teacher | Karen is a master teacher of the Practical Aesthetics acting technique with over 30 years in the classroom, and is a senior teacher at the Atlantic Acting School's conservatory programs. She teaches her own NYC classes in Acting, Directing, Monologues, and Fearless Cold Reading & Audition Technique. She teaches guest workshops around the country and internationally, including theaters, universities, and conferences in Atlanta, Austin, Seattle, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Dallas, Cleveland, Houston, Miami, Mississippi, England, Australia, and Italy.

Author | Karen is the author of 3 books, and director of a 120 minute DVD on her monologue techniques. Her first book, The Monologue Audition is a Backstage must-read.

Filmmaker | Karen's films include two with acclaimed performer/playwright Taylor Mac, several short documentaries; and the instructional film Roots & Branches 5 Element Qi Gong for the T'ai Chi Foundation.

Tennessee Williams Scholar | Karen has been researching and creating a full length documentary and book on Tennessee Williams' Mississippi Delta roots. She has been a panelist and presenter many times at the New Orleans and Mississippi Delta Tennessee Williams Festivals, and has curated and co-founded, with St. George's Episcopal Church, the Tennessee Williams Rectory Museum in the former residence of Williams and his family. She teaches Tennessee Williams advanced scene weekends in New York City, and in January 2020 conducted, with playwright Craig Lucas, a week-long residential training for actors and playwrights in Clarksdale, Mississippi. The next ones will be announced soon.


Oct 3, 2024 - Nov 1, 2024


$0.00 – $0.00 per hour



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