Pioneer Theatre Company 2025-26 Season - LA EPA (04.11.25) | Playbill


Pioneer Theatre Company 2025-26 Season - LA EPA (04.11.25)

CATEGORY: Performer

Pioneer Theatre Company | Salt Lake City, UT
Salt Lake City, UT

Job Details


Notice: Audition Call Type: EPA


Friday, April 11, 2025

9:00 AM - 5:00 PM (P)

Lunch 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM


LORT Non-Rep

$1144 weekly minimum (LORT B)

$839 weekly minimum (LORT D)


Equity actors for roles in Pioneer Theatre Company's 2025-26 Season (See breakdown). Pioneer Theatre Company is seeking all races, ethnicities, body types, gender identities, actors with disabilities, and actors of all ages for roles in this production.

Some roles will be understudied.


Please prepare either two brief contrasting monologues or a short cut of a song in the style of our season. For both plays and musicals consideration, please prepare 1 brief monologue and 16-bars of a musical selection that shows range. You are welcome to sing from one of the shows. An accompanist will be provided. Please bring sheet music properly marked and in the correct key.

Please bring your headshot and resume stapled together.


Actors' Equity Association - Los Angeles

5636 Tujunga Ave

North Hollywood, CA 91601


Artistic Director: Karen Azenberg

Expected to attend:

Associate Artistic Director/ Casting Rep: Eric Jackson

See breakdown for production specific personnel.


See breakdown for production specific dates.


Rehearsals and performances will take place in Salt Lake City, Utah.

EPA Procedures are in effect for this audition.

An Equity Monitor will be provided.

Equity’s contracts prohibit discrimination.
Equity is committed to diversity and encourages all its employers to engage in a policy of equal employment opportunity
designed to promote a positive model of inclusion. As such, Equity encourages performers of all ethnicities, gender identities,
and ages, as well as performers with disabilities, to attend every audition.

Always bring your Equity Membership card to auditions.


Pioneer Theatre Company 2025-26 Season

In reference to the character descriptions below - most characters we encounter currently are written with man/woman, he/him, or she/her pronouns and you will see that in the following descriptions.

However, limiting the descriptions are, our casting seeks to be as inclusive as possible and we invite gender non-conforming, genderqueer, transgender and non-binary actors to submit for the roles they most identify with.


Written by Ted Dyksta and Richard Greenblatt

Directed by TBD


1st REHEARSAL: 8/18/25

OPENING: 9/12/25

CLOSING: 9/27/25


TED: [CAST] (Male Identifying, 30s-50s) A proficient pianist and an excellent storyteller. Richard’s
friend and rival.

RICHARD: [CAST] (Male Identifying, 30s-50s) A proficient pianist and an excellent storyteller. Ted’s
friend and rival.


Book by Steven Levenson

Music and Lyrics by Benj Pasek & Justin Paul

Directed by Choreographed by Karen Azenberg

Musical Director TBD


1st REHEARSAL: 9/29/25

OPENING: 10/24/25

CLOSING: 11/8/25


EVAN HANSEN: (Male Identifying, 17) Smart, sincere, and excruciatingly self-conscious, Evan prefers to hover in the background, a supporting player in his own life, too afraid to step forward into the spotlight and risk ridicule or, what might be worse, no one noticing him at all. Pop Tenor G2-B4 (Bottom G to top B)

ZOE MURPHY: (Female Identifying, 16) Sensitive and sophisticated, with a sharp sense of humor,
Zoe could care less about the status games and popularity rites of high school. She feels a terrible
ambivalence over her brother’s death. Pop Soprano F3-E5 (Bottom F to E two above middle C)

ALANA BECK: (Female Identifying, 17) Earnest to a fault, prone to melodrama, Alana hides a deeper
loneliness beneath an ever-present smile and an almost aggressive friendliness. Pop Soprano F3-E5
(Bottom F to E two above middle C)

CONNOR MURPHY: (Male Identifying, 17) An angry, disaffected loner, Connor has been a troubled
kid for as long as anyone can remember, an enigma and a source of endless consternation to his
long-suffering parents. Pop Bari/Tenor G2-G4 (Bottom G to Top G)

JARED KLEINMAN: (Male Identifying, 17) Droll and sarcastic, Jared covers his own insecurities with
a well-practiced swagger and a know-it-all arrogance. Pop Tenor A2-B4 (Bottom A to top B)
HEIDI HANSEN: (Female Identifying, 40s) Evan’s mother. Overworked and stretched too thin, Heidi
loves her son fiercely but fears they have begun to grow apart. She is prepared to do anything to
repair the damage. Pop Alto F3-Eb5 (belt)

CYNTHIA MURPHY: (Female Identifying, 40s) Connor and Zoe’s mother. To Evan, she seems to be
the perfect mother, nurturing, available, and willing to talk about anything. To her own children, it’s a
bit more complicated. Pop Soprano F#3-E5 (belt)

LARRY MURPHY: (Male Identifying, 40s) Connor and Zoe’s father. Though often tense and taciturn,
Larry shows a different face to the world, representing for Evan the dad he always wished for: strong,
confident, and more than anything, reliable, someone to be counted on. Pop Bari/Tenor F#2-G4


Written by Michael Frayn

Directed by TBD


1st REHEARSAL: 11/10/25

OPENING: 12/5/25

CLOSING: 12/20/25


LLOYD DALLAS: (Male identifying, 30s-50s) He is the director of a play-within-the-play, called Nothing's On.

DOTTY OTLEY: (Female identifying, 40s-60s) An actress. Plays Mrs. Clackett, the housekeeper for
the Brents' home in England in Nothing's On.

GARRY LEJEUNE: (Male identifying, 20s-50s) A stuttering actor, easily fired up. Plays Roger, the
estate agent for the Brents’ house.

BROOKE ASHTON: (Female identifying, 18-30s) An inexperienced actress from London. Plays Vicki,
who works for the tax authorities and is trying to woo Roger.

POPPY NORTON-TAYLOR: (Female identifying, 18-30s) She is the Assistant Stage Manager.

FREDERICK FELLOWES: (Male identifying, 30s-50s) Has a serious fear of violence and blood. Plays
Phillip Brent, who lives out of the country with his wife Flavia to avoid paying taxes.

BELINDA BLAIR: (Female identifying, 30s-50s) Cheerful, sensible, & reliable actress. Plays Flavia,
Philip Brent's wife, who is dependable, though not one for household duties.

TIM ALLGOOD: (Male identifying, 18-30s) An over-worked Stage Manager.

SELSDON MOWBRAY: (Male identifying, 60s-80s) Elderly and with actorly mannerisms. He plays a
burglar, breaking into the Brents' house.

10 BRAVE SECONDS (World Premiere)

Music & Lyrics by Will Van Dyke

Book & Lyrics by Jeff Talbott

Directed by TBD

Choreographed by TBD

Musical Director TBD


1st REHEARSAL: 12/29/25

OPENING: 1/30/26

CLOSING: 2/14/26


MIKE: (Male identifying, 16)

CARL: (Male identifying, 30s) Mike’s Dad.

BECKY: (Female identifying, 14) Mike’s sister.

GABBY: (Female identifying, 16) Mike’s best friend.

TIM: (Male identifying, 16) Mike’s new friend.

MR. G.: (Male identifying, 50s) Mike’s history teacher.


Written by Rajiv Joseph
Directed by TBD

1st REHEARSAL: 2/23/26
OPENING: 3/20/26
CLOSING: 4/4/26


SHAWN: (Male Identifying, mid 20s-mid 30s, Black) Character ages from 21 to 27, 31 and 33. A diehard
basketball fan from Cleveland who keeps his personal life to himself; he doesn’t like to be
perceived by others. Very observant, he’s an artist at heart who dreams of being a writer. He is smart,
ambitious, and works hard. Harboring a tumultuous inner fire. Thinks deeply about all his life
decisions. Charming and warm when he wants to be.

MATT: (Male Identifying, mid 20s-mid 30s. White) Character ages from 21 to 27, 31 and 33. A
talkative guy from Cleveland who loves Basketball. Outwardly passionate and emotional. Easily
defensive but a little goofy. Leads with his opinions no matter how messy or clueless. Blunt and
careless with his words. Competitive and bitter at times, longs for something notable out of life.
Friendly and earnest. Sentimental and nostalgic.


Book, Music and Lyrics by Irene Sankoff and David Hein

Directed and Choreographed by Karen Azenberg

Musical Director TBD


1st REHEARSAL: 3/30/26

OPENING: 4/24/26

CLOSING: 5/9/26


DIANE & OTHERS: (Female identifying, 50s – 60s) Diane is a traditional divorcee from Texas, who is
terrified that her son may have been flying at the time of the attacks. When she finds out he is safe,
she’s given a new lease on life and discovers a wilder more carefree side of herself. Doubles as
Newfoundland local, CRYSTAL. Contemporary soprano or mezzo with strong mix. Vocal range
bottom: D5

HANNAH & OTHERS: (Female identifying, 30s–50s, Black, Latina, Asian, or any ethnicity) Mother of
a firefighter in Manhattan, HANNAH waits for news about her son and is comforted by Beulah.
Doubles as Newfoundland local, MARGIE. Contemporary soprano with strong high mix. Vocal range
top: E5

JANICE & OTHERS: (Female identifying, 20s) Eager new local TV reporter, Janice is thrown into the
deep end on her first day. Initially naive about the world, Janice must face the pain and confusion
around her. Doubles as Newfoundland local by the name of JENNY. Mezzo w\ strong belt. Vocal
range top: E5

BEULAH & OTHERS: (Female identifying, 40s–60s) Head of the Gander Legion, with a firefighter
son, she befriends Hannah and walks to church and prays with her. Quick-witted and open hearted,
Beulah loves to share a joke. Mezzo w\ strong belt.

BONNIE & OTHERS: (Female identifying, 30s–50s) A no–nonsense mother of 3, Bonnie is the head
of the Gander area SPCA. When she discovers animals are trapped on the planes, she stops at
nothing to ensure their safety. Doubles as a Newfoundland local by the name of MARTHA. Mezzo.
Vocal range top: B4

BEVERLY & OTHERS: (Female identifying, 50s–60s) An American Airlines pilot, Beverly has always
loved flying, but her world is changed when she hears about coworkers who were killed in the attacks,
and when she is confronted by passengers who refuse to fly again. Doubles
as Newfoundland local, ANNETTE. Soprano belter with strong high mix. Vocal range top: C#5

OZ & OTHERS: (Male identifying, 30s–50s) The quirky constable in the two–person Gander police
force. When the town’s population suddenly doubles, Oz helps out in unexpected ways. Doubles as
the role of JOEY, a rambunctious passenger on one of the planes who enjoys a good drink, MR.
MICHAELS, a local gym teacher who speaks Spanish and MATTY, the owner of the Trailways Bar,
which is full of passengers 24/7. High Tenor. Vocal range top: G4

KEVIN T. & OTHERS: (Male identifying, 30s–40s) The head of an environmental energy company in
Los Angeles, Kevin was on vacation with his boyfriend (and secretary, also named Kevin), when they
are stranded in Gander. Inspired by the town’s generosity, Kevin creates the ‘Pay It Forward
Foundation.’ Doubles as the role of GARTH, head of the local union representing the bus drivers. High
Tenor. Vocal range top: G4

KEVIN J. & OTHERS: (Male identifying, 30s–40s, Latino, Asian, Middle Eastern, or any ethnicity)
Kevin’s boyfriend and secretary. Sarcastic and unhappy, he wants to leave and get back to the U.S. as
soon as possible. Doubles as the role of DOUG, a local air traffic controller, married to Bonnie, who
tries to help his wife and the animals. Baritone. Vocal range top: E4.

BOB & OTHERS: (Male identifying, 30s–40s, Black or any ethnicity) A hardened New Yorker, Bob is
suspicious of where he’s landed, fearing that it’s World War 3, that someone is going to shoot him and
steal his wallet – but instead he ends up losing his New York jadedness. Doubles as MUHUMUZA, an
African passenger who, despite a language barrier, finds common ground with a local bus driver.

CLAUDE & OTHERS: (Male identifying, 40s–50s) The gregarious and well-liked Mayor of Gander,
Newfoundland, Claude loves his work, the townspeople, and his daily traditions, but he’s never had to
deal with a crisis of this magnitude. Doubles as DERM, mayor of the nearby town of Appleton. Tenor.
Vocal range top: G4

NICK & OTHERS: (Male identifying, 50s–60s, Middle Eastern or any ethnicity) An English oil engineer
who is focused on his work, Nick’s life is turned upside down when he falls for another passenger,
Diane. Doubles as ALI, an Iranian passenger. Baritone. Vocal range top: E4


LORT Non-Rep $1144 weekly minimum (LORT B) $839 weekly minimum (LORT D)




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