Purple Rose Theatre
Chelsea, MI
Notice: Audition Call Type: EPA
Updated breakdown.
Tuesday, April 8, 2025
11:30 AM - 7:30 PM (E)
Lunch 2:20 PM - 3:20 PM
To schedule an audition appointment, please go to:
You must sign-up by Monday, April 7, 2025, at 8:00 pm ET. For assistance with sign up genius, please email info@purplerosetheatre.org .
$761 weekly minimum (SPT 8)
Equity actors for roles in Purple Rose Theatre's 2025-26 Season (See breakdown).
Please prepare two contrasting monologues that are each 1-minute in length each. Bring one Headshot and one Resume with you to the audition. If you cannot attend in person auditions, please send a virtual audition to info@purplerosetheatre.org, subject line ATTN: Auditions. Self-tape two contrasting monologues no more than 1-minute in length each. Please also include a full body slate with professional and/or legal name, preferred pronouns, union status, and any representation. Please email headshot and resume along with your video submission.
Video Submissions open Tuesday, April 8, 2025, and will close by Wednesday, April 23, 2025, at 6:00 pm ET.
Vistatech Center at Schoolcraft College
18600 Haggerty Road
Livonia, MI 48152
Rm. VT460/VT470. Please park in the North Parking Lot. Parking is free. Please use North Entrance at The Vistatech Center, located at the corner of Vistatech Drive and Chippewa Drive. Turn right once in the center and follow posted signs.
Artistic Director: Jeff Daniels
Managing Director: Katie Hubbard
Artistic Associates: Lucas Daniels; Rhiannon Ragland
Company Manager: Amy Klain
Expected to attend:
Casting Director (Artistic Associate): Rhiannon Ragland
Artistic Associate: Lucas Daniels
See breakdown for production specific dates.
Please see the link for the PRTC Prevention of Workplace Harassment and Discrimination Policy: https://www.purplerosetheatre....
An Equity Monitor will not be provided. The producer will run all aspects of this audition.
Equity’s contracts prohibit discrimination. Equity is committed to diversity and encourages all its employers to engage in a policy of equal employment opportunity designed to promote a positive model of inclusion. As such, Equity encourages performers of all ethnicities, gender identities, and ages, as well as performers with disabilities, to attend every audition.
Always bring your Equity Membership card to auditions.
Purple Rose Theatre 2025-26 Season
PRTC utilizes the option of a bi-weekly pay schedule.
PRTC may utilize an 8 out of 10 rehearsal schedule.
Rehearsal Info:
Rehearsals are held minimum five days a week, 5-8 hour days, maximum 38 hours a week, in Chelsea, MI. Day, evening, & weekend rehearsals may be scheduled depending on actor’s and director's schedule. We are unable to give specific call times in advance at this time. Please expect to attend every day of rehearsal.
Performance Schedule:
Wednesday: 3:00 p.m.
Thursday: 3:00 p.m. & 7:30 p.m.
Friday: 8:00 p.m.
Saturday: 3:00 p.m. & 8:00 p.m.
Sunday: 2:00 p.m.
Written by Jeff Daniels
First rehearsal: Monday, August 25, 2025
First performance- preview: Thursday, September 25, 2025
Press opening night: Friday, October 3, 2025
Closing date: Sunday, December 21, 2025
A LOCAL MAN (DUTCH): 30s-40s
Written by Richard Johnson
First rehearsal: Monday, December 29, 2025
First performance- preview: Thursday, January 29, 2026
Press opening night: Friday, February 6, 2026
Closing date: Sunday, March 8, 2026
JERRY, used car salesman. Forties.
MIKE, owner of Starlight Classic Cars. Fifties.
CHANCE, former drug dealer now used car salesman. Thirties.
CONNOR, used car salesman. Twenties.
Written by Steven Dietz
First rehearsal: Tuesday, March 3, 2026
First performance- preview: Thursday, April 2, 2026
Press opening night: Friday, April 10, 2026
Closing date: Sunday, March 31, 2026
HERCULE POIROT - a man or woman, [suggested age] 50s.
CAPTAIN HASTINGS - a woman or man, [suggested age] 30s.
MAN ONE: PAUL RENAULD - Master of the house, English, BEX - Commissioner of Police, English/French, GENDARME-2, French, GARDENER, DR. DURAND - French, HOTEL CLERK, RAILWAY PORTER
WOMAN ONE: CHAUFFEUR, French, FRAU KELLER - senior maid of the Estate, German, MADAME RENAULD - Mistress of the Estate, British, THEODORA VAN HOVEN - Mistress of the neighboring Villa, European, GENDARME-3, PHOTOGRAPHER, GLAZER - lawyer for Jack Renauld, British.
MAN TWO: GENDARME-1, French, STONOR - Renauld’s accountant, French, JACK RENAULD - son of the house, British, INSPECTOR GIRAUD - Investigating Officer, French.
WOMAN TWO: YOUNG WOMAN (”CINDERELLA”/DULCIE), British, LEONIE - young maid of the Estate, French, MARTE VAN HOVEN - daughter of Theodora Van Hoven, BELLA DUVEEN, British, GENDARME-4.
Written by Carey Crim
First rehearsal: Tuesday, May 26, 2026
First performance- preview: Thursday, June 25, 2026
Press opening night: Friday, July 3, 2026
Closing date: Sunday, August 30, 2026
ROBYN: 50s. Any ethnicity. Married midwestern supermom of four boys. If you need something, chances are she has it somewhere in her oversized discount purse. She's the class mom, den mom, fundraiser mom who volunteers for everything, puts everyone else's needs before her own. About to be a divorced empty-nester learning to put herself first.
SALLY BEN: 50s. Any ethnicity. Self-made wealthy southern business owner/creator of an organic line of hair care products. She can put together a room or an outfit at a moment's notice. A good and supportive friend. Having some trouble aging gracefully.
EMMA: 50s. Any ethnicity. A late bloomer who is easily distracted by the next shiny thing. A loyal friend who hasn't found herself but will never stop looking.
BOB/ DAVE/ JOHNOTHAN/ JACOB/ OFFICER BEN: Emma's three husbands, a mushroom farmer and a police officer. Played by one actor.
NORMA & WANDA by Jeff Daniels
-Strong Language and Adult Themes: The dialogue includes strong language and explores adult
themes that may not be suitable for all viewers.
-Intense Emotional Scenes: Certain scenes involving heightened emotional content, which may evoke
strong reactions to personal experience of loss, conflict, or trauma.
-Depictions of Personal Conflict: The play features intense interpersonal conflicts and disagreements
that could be unsettling for those sensitive to confrontational situations.
-Recurring religious themes (i.e., discussions/demonstration of: prayer, church,
church attendance, secular holidays etc.)
-Marital Distress
-Substance/Alcohol Use: There are references to and depictions of substance use that may be
triggering for individuals with past experiences related to addiction or substance abuse.
-Emotional Vulnerability: Portrayal of grief and personal struggles may evoke strong emotional
reactions related to loss and personal trauma.
-Conflict and Aggression: Engage in confrontational and aggressive behavior, including intense
arguments, which may be unsettling for those sensitive to conflict.
-Regional Implicit Bias (stereotypes of small Midwest towns)
-Discussions of incarceration
-Normal physical demonstrations of consensual healthy relationships (i.e. hugging, kissing, lifting, etc.)
-References to Death/Grief/Loss
-Unpredictable Behavior: Erratic and sometimes abrasive behavior can contribute to a tense
-Violence and loss of a limb or body part.
-Use of a weapon includes but not Limited to: Firearm or Tire Iron
-References to Infidelity
-Violence and loss of blood.
Strong Language and Adult Themes: The dialogue includes strong language and explores adult themes that may not be suitable for all viewers.
Intense Emotional Scenes: Certain scenes involving heightened emotional content, which may evoke strong reactions to personal experience of loss, conflict, or trauma.
Depictions of Personal Conflict: The play features intense interpersonal conflicts and disagreements that could be unsettling for those sensitive to confrontational situations.
Substance/Alcohol Use: There are references to and depictions of substance use that may be triggering for individuals with past experiences related to addiction or substance abuse.
Marital Distress
Recurring religious themes (i.e., discussions/demonstration of: prayer, church, church attendance, secular holidays etc.)
Emotional Vulnerability: Portrayal of grief and personal struggles may evoke strong emotional reactions related to loss and personal trauma.
Discussions of incarceration
Conflict and Aggression: Engage in confrontational and aggressive behavior, including intense arguments, which may be unsettling for those sensitive to conflict.
References to Death/Grief/Loss
Unpredictable Behavior: Erratic and sometimes abrasive behavior can contribute to a tense atmosphere.
References to Infidelity
Normal physical demonstrations of consensual healthy relationships (i.e. hugging; kissing; lifting, etc.)
Strong Language and Adult Themes: The dialogue includes strong language and explores adult themes that may not be suitable for all viewers.
Intense Emotional Scenes: Certain scenes involving heightened emotional content, which may evoke strong reactions to personal experience of loss, conflict, or trauma.
Depictions of Personal Conflict: The play features intense interpersonal conflicts and disagreements that could be unsettling for those sensitive to confrontational situations.
Substance/Alcohol Use: There are references to and depictions of substance use that may be triggering for individuals with past experiences related to addiction or substance abuse.
Marital Distress
Recurring religious themes (i.e., discussions/demonstration of: prayer, church, church attendance, secular holidays etc.)
Emotional Vulnerability: Portrayal of grief and personal struggles may evoke strong emotional reactions related to loss and personal trauma.
Discussions of incarceration
Conflict and Aggression: Engage in confrontational and aggressive behavior, including intense arguments, which may be unsettling for those sensitive to conflict.
References to Death/Grief/Loss
Unpredictable Behavior: Erratic and sometimes abrasive behavior can contribute to a tense atmosphere.
References to Infidelity
Normal physical demonstrations of consensual healthy relationships (i.e. hugging; kissing; lifting, etc.)
Strong Language and Adult Themes: The dialogue includes strong language and explores adult themes that may not be suitable for all viewers.
Intense Emotional Scenes: Certain scenes involving heightened emotional content, which may evoke strong reactions to personal experience of loss, conflict, or trauma.
Depictions of Personal Conflict: The play features intense interpersonal conflicts and disagreements that could be unsettling for those sensitive to confrontational situations.
Substance/Alcohol Use: There are references to and depictions of substance use that may be triggering for individuals with past experiences related to addiction or substance abuse.
Marital Distress
Recurring religious themes (i.e., discussions/demonstration of: prayer, church, church attendance, secular holidays etc.)
Emotional Vulnerability: Portrayal of grief and personal struggles may evoke strong emotional reactions related to loss and personal trauma.
Discussions of incarceration
Conflict and Aggression: Engage in confrontational and aggressive behavior, including intense arguments, which may be unsettling for those sensitive to conflict.
References to Death/Grief/Loss
Unpredictable Behavior: Erratic and sometimes abrasive behavior can contribute to a tense atmosphere.
References to Infidelity
Normal physical demonstrations of consensual healthy relationships (i.e. hugging; kissing; lifting, etc.)
Strong Language and Adult Themes: The dialogue includes strong language and explores adult themes that may not be suitable for all viewers.
Intense Emotional Scenes: Certain scenes involving heightened emotional content, which may evoke strong reactions to personal experience of loss, conflict, or trauma.
Depictions of Personal Conflict: The play features intense interpersonal conflicts and disagreements that could be unsettling for those sensitive to confrontational situations.
Substance/Alcohol Use: There are references to and depictions of substance use that may be triggering for individuals with past experiences related to addiction or substance abuse.
Marital Distress
Recurring religious themes (i.e., discussions/demonstration of: prayer, church, church attendance, secular holidays etc.)
Emotional Vulnerability: Portrayal of grief and personal struggles may evoke strong emotional reactions related to loss and personal trauma.
Discussions of incarceration
Conflict and Aggression: Engage in confrontational and aggressive behavior, including intense arguments, which may be unsettling for those sensitive to conflict.
References to Death/Grief/Loss
Unpredictable Behavior: Erratic and sometimes abrasive behavior can contribute to a tense atmosphere.
References to Infidelity
Normal physical demonstrations of consensual healthy relationships (i.e. hugging; kissing; lifting, etc.)
Use of a weapon includes but not limited to: firearm or tire iron
Strong Language and Adult Themes: The dialogue includes strong language and explores adult themes that may not be suitable for all viewers.
Intense Emotional Scenes: Certain scenes involving heightened emotional content, which may evoke strong reactions to personal experience of loss, conflict, or trauma.
Depictions of Personal Conflict: The play features intense interpersonal conflicts and disagreements that could be unsettling for those sensitive to confrontational situations.
Substance/Alcohol Use: There are references to and depictions of substance use that may be triggering for individuals with past experiences related to addiction or substance abuse.
Marital Distress
Recurring religious themes (i.e., discussions/demonstration of: prayer, church, church attendance, secular holidays etc.)
Emotional Vulnerability: Portrayal of grief and personal struggles may evoke strong emotional reactions related to loss and personal trauma.
Discussions of incarceration
Conflict and Aggression: Engage in confrontational and aggressive behavior, including intense arguments, which may be unsettling for those sensitive to conflict.
References to Death/Grief/Loss
Unpredictable Behavior: Erratic and sometimes abrasive behavior can contribute to a tense atmosphere.
References to Infidelity
Normal physical demonstrations of consensual healthy relationships (i.e. hugging; kissing; lifting, etc.)
Violence and loss of a limb or body part.
Use of a weapon includes but not limited to: firearm or tire iron
Strong Language and Adult Themes: The dialogue includes strong language and explores adult themes that may not be suitable for all viewers.
Intense Emotional Scenes: Certain scenes involving heightened emotional content, which may evoke strong reactions to personal experience of loss, conflict, or trauma.
Depictions of Personal Conflict: The play features intense interpersonal conflicts and disagreements that could be unsettling for those sensitive to confrontational situations.
Substance/Alcohol Use: There are references to and depictions of substance use that may be triggering for individuals with past experiences related to addiction or substance abuse.
Marital Distress
Recurring religious themes (i.e., discussions/demonstration of: prayer, church, church attendance, secular holidays etc.)
Emotional Vulnerability: Portrayal of grief and personal struggles may evoke strong emotional reactions related to loss and personal trauma.
Discussions of incarceration
Conflict and Aggression: Engage in confrontational and aggressive behavior, including intense arguments, which may be unsettling for those sensitive to conflict.
References to Death/Grief/Loss
Unpredictable Behavior: Erratic and sometimes abrasive behavior can contribute to a tense atmosphere.
References to Infidelity
Normal physical demonstrations of consensual healthy relationships (i.e. hugging; kissing; lifting, etc.)
Use of a weapon includes but not limited to: firearm or tire iron
Violence and loss of blood
THE CLASSIC KING by Richard Johnson
Adult language and frequent use of profanity
Use of deceptive and high-pressure sales tactics
Frequent sexist remarks
Stressed caused by business being in poor financial position
Stress caused by being an ex-convict
Stressed cause because of having been being imprisoned for drug distribution
Pressure because of poor sales results
Issues with domestic relationships
Low self-esteem due to negative images and frequent stereotypes about being used car salesmen
Deliberately deceiving coworkers.
Assaulting a coworker with a knife in hand
Adult language and frequent use of profanity
Use of deceptive and high-pressure sales tactics
Frequent sexist remarks
Stressed caused by business being in poor financial position
Pressure because of poor sales results
Issues with domestic relationships
Low self-esteem due to negative images and frequent stereotypes about being used car salesmen
Adult language and frequent use of profanity
Use of deceptive and high-pressure sales tactics
Frequent sexist remarks
Stressed caused by business being in poor financial position
Pressure because of poor sales results
Issues with domestic relationships
Low self-esteem due to negative images and frequent stereotypes about being used car salesmen
Adult language and frequent use of profanity
Use of deceptive and high-pressure sales tactics
Frequent sexist remarks
Stressed caused by business being in poor financial position
Stress caused by being an ex-convict
Stressed cause because of having been being imprisoned for drug distribution
Pressure because of poor sales results
Issues with domestic relationships
Low self-esteem due to negative images and frequent stereotypes about being used car salesmen
Assaulting a coworker with a knife in hand
Adult language and frequent use of profanity
Use of deceptive and high-pressure sales tactics
Frequent sexist remarks
Stressed caused by business being in poor financial position
Low self-esteem due to negative images and frequent stereotypes about being used car salesmen
Deliberately deceiving coworkers
Representation of a body postmortem
Themes and acts of jealousy and vengeance
Mystery plotting and acts of rage
Discussion and displays of love
Stabbing (knife)
Representation of a body postmortem
Themes and acts of jealousy and vengeance
Mystery plotting and acts of rage
Discussion and displays of love
Stabbing (knife)
Narrator and witness to all
Patriarchal prehistoric thinking
Potential negligent homicide
Accusations of adultery and fornication
Dissatisfaction and incompetence in detection
Visual thinking referencing verbal and physical restraints
Adornment of non-secular accoutrement referencing the hopeful resurrection of Jesus Christ after his death.
Accessory to murder
Description of an assault
Brief period of unconsciousness caused by a sudden drop in blood pressure reducing the oxygen and blood flow to the brain, i.e. fainting
Accessory to murder
Verbal threats of patricide
Passive aggressive cultural bias via mispronunciation
Imbecilic failure due to egotistical miscalculations
Jealousy, envy, cheating
Visual thinking concerning acts of manslaughter/self-defense in reaction to unwanted advances supported by patriarchal ideals.
Psychological manipulation
Shock induced physical collapse
Imbibing of potable H2O
Mistaken identity
False confession and imprisonment
EMMA’S WEDDING(S) by Carey Crim
Arguments containing heightened emotional content
Normal physical demonstrations of a consensual healthy relationship (i.e., hugging; kissing; etc.)
Chronically dependent; relationship challenged; codependent struggles with unhealthy relationship patterns
Voice acting of language with heightened emotional sexual innuendo
Anxiety, fear and/ or disregard of physical well-being related to but not exclusive to health care; starvation and dehydration.
Vulnerability attached to unpreparedness in a crisis, including but not limited to atelophobia (obsessive fear of imperfection)
Vulnerability attached to shy bowels or parcopresis (an inability to defecate when other people are perceived or are likely to be nearby)
Mazeophobia- fear of being lost; emotional unsettling of being uncomfortable or in an unknown place
Conspiracy and accusation of murder
Animal slaughter discussions as related to farm life
Exposure and confessions of marital difficulties; cheating and divorce
Physical exertion i.e. sitting to standing; mom dancing; walking etc.
Morality and governance; via Debates about pornography
Drug use; illegal substance and portrayed effects
Sologamy or self-marriage
Multi-Character roles
Use of restraints ie. handcuffs and trauma related to false arrests
Parenting Traumas; ie. Child rearing; empty nest; Caregiver stress etc.
All characters participate, relate to, engage in, or are at least exposed to all items in the overview list.
SPT $761 weekly minimum (SPT 8)
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