The show's creators, Caitlin Cooke and Lacey Jeka, will star alongside series executive producer Ashley Kate Adams (Broadway's La Cage Aux Folles), Jake Robinson ("The Carrie Diaries"), Ravi Roth (Off-Broadway's Altar Boyz), Bryan Langlitz (Memphis on Broadway) and MTV's Kenny "Mr. Beautiful" Santucci.
"Kate and Lucy are two deluded BFF’s in New York City living off of Chinese food and their parents' check books," according to press notes. "On the 5th day of binge‐watching reality TV, Kate takes a 'How Cool Are You?' quiz in Razzle-Dazzle magazine with devastating results. Thus begins a race that shakes up their world and ultimately reinvents what it means to be cool."
AKA Studio Productions will release the first three episodes Jan. 26 at 9 PM and will continue to release three new episodes each Monday leading up to Valentine’s Day on the "Rules of Cool" YouTube channel and at
Learn more on the show's Twitter and Facebook pages.