Elizabeth Stanley Will Be Marilyn Monroe in Industry Reading of Who Killed Marilyn? | Playbill

Readings and Workshops Elizabeth Stanley Will Be Marilyn Monroe in Industry Reading of Who Killed Marilyn?

Dick Scanlan will direct the readings of Sharleen Cooper Cohen's new play.

Elizabeth Stanley

Sharleen Cooper Cohen's new play Who Killed Marilyn? will receive private industry readings presented by Broadway Baby Productions September 16 at 11 AM and 2:30 PM. Dick Scanlan (Thoroughly Modern Millie) directs.

Elizabeth Stanley (Jagged Little Pill) will lead the cast as Marilyn Monroe, joined by Edward James Hyland, Matthew James Thomas, Marcia DeBonis, Chris Ghaffari, Charlie Hofmeier, Lou Rios-Gonzalez, and John Zdrojeski.

The play offers another look at the late icon, delving into who she was rather than who the world has made her out to be  and that Monroe's journey reveals how she died.

Casting is by Jim Carnahan Casting with general management by Starry Night Productions.

For more information, email sccinc1@aol.com.


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